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iRubric: Movie Trailer Project rubric

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Movie Trailer Project 
Students are to create a movie trailer.
Rubric Code: F24X4WB
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Movie Trailer Project
  Exemplary (20-16)

20 pts

Proficient (15-11)

15 pts

Developing (10-5)

10 pts

Not Applying (4-0)

5 pts

Scenes & Structure

Exemplary (20-16)

Scenes are chosen appropriately. They are filled with text, action, or other relevant moments. The trailer follows three act structure that introduces the viewer with exposition, creating intrigue and flow. Incorporates creative shot variety throughout. Makes the viewer want to go see the full movie.
Proficient (15-11)

Scenes are chosen appropriately, for the most part, the viewer may be left confused by a lapse in continuity. The trailer roughly follows a three-act structure but may have some misplaced action. An attempt was made at shot variety. A few scenes might not be relevant or may be questionable.
Developing (10-5)

Scenes chosen do not add to the trailer and are weak. Trailer does not follow a three-act structure, and may have many continuity errors. Many clips are lengthy with little to no shot variety. Viewer is left questioning what the full movie is about.
Not Applying (4-0)

Choice of scenes are disjointed. Cannot tell that video is a movie trailer.

Video submission was not edited by submitting student.
Titles & Text (must have some)

Exemplary (20-16)

Titles and text add something special to the trailer, and do not detract from the overall trailer. Titles and subtitles always clear and used appropriately to enhance the story/content. All of the graphics, animations or FX seem related to and enhance the topic/theme/mood message
* Most graphics clear (appropriate size, composition, resolution, color)
Proficient (15-11)

Titles and text are lacking in few places, but overall, they do not detract from the trailer. Titles and subtitles usually clear and used appropriately. Most of the graphics, animations or FX seem related to and enhance the topic/theme/mood message. Some graphics are original while others are clipart or "borrowed" from the WWW. Most graphics clear (appropriate size, composition, color and resolution)
Developing (10-5)

Titles and text detract from trailer, as they add little to nothing to the overall trailer. Titles and subtitles unclear due to font, size or color contrast. Some of the graphics, animations or FX seem unrelated or uninspired. Some of the graphics actually detract from the topic/theme/mood. Most graphics are clipart or "borrowed" from the WWW. Graphics unclear due to size, composition or resolution
Not Applying (4-0)

Little Text. Poorly composed or filled with errors!

Video submission was not edited by submitting student.
Sound (must have music)

Exemplary (20-16)

Background music and sound FX always balanced well. Music and FX enhance mood/pacing. Creative/appropriate use of sound effects, narration, etc.
Proficient (15-11)

Background music and sound FX usually balanced well (doesn't overpower the main audio or VO). Music, FX and narration appropriate to mood/pacing.
Developing (10-5)

Music did not fit or sound and voices were impossible to hear. Background music overly loud or too quiet. Narration sound stilted, unrehearsed or lacking energy and motivation. * Sound FX unrelated or sounds fake. Sound FX too loud or too faint.
Not Applying (4-0)

No music or impossible sound quality.

Video submission was not edited by submitting student.
Time (90-120 seconds)

Exemplary (20-16)

Length of trailer meets minimum requirement. (1:30 2:00)
Proficient (15-11)

Length of trailer does not meet minimum/maximum requirement, but is in the ballpark. (no less than 1:25, no more than 2:10)
Developing (10-5)

Length of trailer does not meet minimum requirement by a significant margin. (More or less than 15 seconds.)
Not Applying (4-0)

Did you time this at all?

Video submission was not edited by submitting student.

Exemplary (20-16)

Clips show no slack time and begin and end with thought to action. All transitions between clips appropriate, suit the mood and content and smooth the flow from one scene to the next.Variety of pacing and changes fit the "mood" of the content. Pacing keeps viewers interested. All video clips fit the storyline and transition between scenes thoughtfully executed. Audio transitions are smooth and free of popping noise. Audio mixed properly and levels are consistent
Proficient (15-11)

Most clips edited to remove slack time and to begin and end with thought to action. Most clips edited to remove slack time and to begin and end with thought to action. Basic transitions used appropriately and the types of transition usually added as appropriate to the scene. Most video clips move at a steady pace, fast enough to keep the audience interested and slow enough to tell the complete story.
Developing (10-5)

Clips begin or end with slack time or in mid-action.Transitions like dissolves or wipes are used too many times, or there are too many different transitions used without thought or purpose. Audio levels not consistent. Many clips feel too long or too short and leave out essential action or dialogue.
Not Applying (4-0)

Little to no attention seems to be paid to how the trailer was edited together.

Video submission was not edited by submitting student.

  • Broadcast, Journalism, Mass Media, Video editing


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