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iRubric: "What Does It Take To Buy A House" Project Rubric

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"What Does It Take To Buy A House" Project Rubric 
You will either build a house or purchase an existing house. Using the salary from your projected career and with a spending plan based upon your family 3 . You're the sole provider. Your mortgage must fit into your spending plan with $500 dollars min. left over each month. Your interest rate is 3.5% and must be calculated into the cost of your loan. You need to include layouts of the house, where it is located, in your desired city that you want to live, how far from your job.
Rubric Code: F24A846
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Public Rubric
Subject: Finance  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Presentation Rubric
  Missing Evidence

32 pts

Approaching Expectations

38 pts

Meets Expectations

44 pts

Exceeds Expectations

50 pts

Content and Conclusion

Missing Evidence

Student does not have grasp of information; student did not answer questions about subject. Correlation to math is not included.
Approaching Expectations

Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Math correlation is incorrect.
Meets Expectations

Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate. Math correlation is vague. Guidance questions were not considered.
Exceeds Expectations

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all questions with explanations and elaboration. Math correlation is complete and accurate. Guidance questions were answered.
Pictures, tables, graphs, included

Missing Evidence

Student has not included required pictures, graphs or tables needed for their project or the lesson questions.
Approaching Expectations

Student has included some of the pictures, tables, and graphs needed, but not all. Some are labeled.
Meets Expectations

Student has included the basic information required. Most is labeled and explained in reference to project and lessons.
Exceeds Expectations

Student went above and beyond, including pictures, graphs, and tables, as well as other information that explains their project. This was done well visually.

Missing Evidence

Student does not include any of the required computations.
Approaching Expectations

Student has some of the computations required, but they are not correct or explained. Student is not clear on their understanding of the computations or connection to the project.
Meets Expectations

Student has the required computations, they are correct and explained accurately. Presentation is neat. Minimal errors.
Exceeds Expectations

Student shows an exceptional understanding of the computations required, they are accurate, and information is accurately graphed. Nice presentation.

Missing Evidence

All components are not included in the portfolio or project. Project shows lack of preparation and organizational skills.
Approaching Expectations

Most of the components are included in the project, but there is a lack of effort shown and organization is lacking.
Meets Expectations

Student presents information in logical sequence which the reader can follow. All components are included.
Exceeds Expectations

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow. It is well organized.

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