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iRubric: Writing News Story rubric

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Writing News Story 
Journalism students will be able to write a thorough news article. Articles will demonstrate a clear understanding of the expected writing format for the news article with all expected elements.
Rubric Code: F2338X9
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Public Rubric
Subject: Journalism  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric News Story
  Excellent 5 points


Good 4 points


Needs Revision 3 points


Needs Instruction 2 points





Excellent 5 points

The article has a creative title/headline that catches the reader's interest.
Good 4 points

The article has a somewhat creative title/headline.
Needs Revision 3 points

The article has an uninteresting title/headline.
Needs Instruction 2 points

The article is lacking a title/headline.

Excellent 5 points

Lead introduces subject and immediately engages the reader's interest, impelling continued reading. Effectively uses the 5Ws and 1H.
Good 4 points

Lead introduces topic and engages the reader's interest, encouraging continued reading. Mostly uses the 5Ws and 1H.
Needs Revision 3 points

Lead introduces topic. Somewhat uses the 5Ws and 1H.
Needs Instruction 2 points

Lead vaguely introduces topic. Does not use the structure of a lead.

Excellent 5 points

The quotes enhance the article for the reader. Sources adequately present all sides in the story. All are identified and properly attributed. All information is accurate.
Good 4 points

The quotes enhance the article for the reader. Some sources are identified and properly attributed. Information is accurate.
Needs Revision 3 points

The quote enhances the article weakly. Some sources are improperly identified or some info or opinion is given without attribution. Most information is accurate, but may not be as thorough.
Needs Instruction 2 points

This article does not include any quotes. The sources are improperly identified. Much info is given without attribution. Inaccurate or vague info.
Clear Focus and Unity (content)

Excellent 5 points

Focus of story is clear. Nothing detracts from the primary focus. Everything contributes to the overall angle.
Good 4 points

Focus is fairly clear, but one or two areas may detract from the primary angle.
Needs Revision 3 points

Story lacks strong sense of unity and focus. Several areas seem to detract from angle.
Needs Instruction 2 points

No clear angle. Story is rambling and awkward.
Interesting & Effective Style

Excellent 5 points

Writing is strong and effective with a clear voice and a variety of sentence structures. Piece is tightly written. Utilizes active and vivid word choice. Original writing.
Good 4 points

Writing is adequate but not extremely compelling or original. May be wordy or voice may be unclear. May not be as vivid or sophisticated.
Needs Revision 3 points

Writing is rather bland. Lacks a clear voice and/or sense of originality. Is wordy or redundant. Repetitive sentence structure.
Needs Instruction 2 points

Writing lacks a clear voice and original style.
Effective Organization and Flow

Excellent 5 points

Story is in inverted pyramid form with info in descending order of importance. It should be strongly organized with clear transitions and logical connections that create a sense of being tightly woven together.
Good 4 points

Story is organized and most transitions and connections are clear, but either organization is somewhat lacking or the sense of flow is somewhat abrupt or story is not in inverted pyramid.
Needs Revision 3 points

Story lacks strong organization. Jumps around too much or lacks effective transitions. Not in inverted pyramid.
Needs Instruction 2 points

Story is choppy. Organization is unclear. Few effective transitions. Not in inverted pyramid.
Journalistic Style

Excellent 5 points

No errors in journalistic style (quotes, dates, scores, numbers, money, percents, time, commas, etc.) Short paragraphs. Quotes stand alone. Text is free of errors in sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.
Good 4 points

Has few (one or two) errors in journalistic style, or may have non-journalistic paragraph structure. Text is relatively free of errors in sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.
Needs Revision 3 points

Has several errors in journalistic style or non-journalistic paragraph structure. Text contains surface errors that do not impede the reader's understanding.
Needs Instruction 2 points

Has many errors in journalistic style and/or non-journalistic paragraph structure. Text contains surface errors that do impede the reader's understanding.


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