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iRubric: History Project-Artistic Era rubric

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History Project-Artistic Era 
A large portion of your History Project will consist of creating through mediums of artistic makeup, hair design, and wardrobe. 1. You will research the era then analyze and interpret the history related to cosmetology & style. 2. You will come up with your own interpretation of the era then express that interpretation in a work of art of your own in any or all medium you choose. Be prepared to answer questions about your chosen era from the class or the teacher.
Rubric Code: EXW8C46
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric History Art Project

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts

Appropriate Selection
10 pts

Is your artwork relevant to your historical era in history.


Your artwork was only loosely related or not related at all to your historical era. (0-3 points)

Your artwork was strongly related to your historical era. (4-7 points)

Your artwork was a perfect match for your historical era. (8-10 points)
20 pts

Does your research provide enough background information for everyone to understand the era your artwork interprets?


Your research did not provide enough of the necessary background information for everyone to understand your historical era with the result that everyone was not able to fully appreciate your art work. (0-9 points)

Your research provided most of the necessary background information for everyone to understand your historical era and therefore enabled everyone to appreciate your artwork. (10-15 points)

Your research provided all the necessary background information for everyone to understand your historical era and therefore enabled everyone to fully appreciate your artwork. (16-20 points)
Oral Presentation
40 pts

Are you prepared for your presentation? Did everyone in your group speak? Are your public speaking skills good? Did you provide appropriate visual aids such as copies of an illustration or copies of a photos supporting your designs? If you created your own work of art, did you put a great deal of effort into it?


You were not prepared in your presentation. Everyone spoke, but the public speaking skills were not good. You did not provide sufficient visual aids. If you created your own work of art, it was clear that you did not put much effort into it. (0-20 points)

You were prepared in your presentation. Everyone spoke, demonstrating fair public speaking skills. You provided some visual aids. If you created your own work of art, it was clear that you put a fair amount of effort into it. (21-30 points)

You were fully prepared in your presentation. Everyone spoke, demonstrating good public speaking skills. You provided all necessary visual aids. If you created your own work of art, it was clear that you put a great deal of effort into it. (31-40 points
20 pts

Did you explain how you were inspired to create this work of art and why you decided to use your particular medium?


You did not adequately explain how you were inspired to create your work of art or why you chose your particular medium. (0-9 points)

You offered some explanation of how you were inspired to create your work of art and why you chose your particular medium. (10-15 points)

You offered a detailed explanation of how you were inspired to create your work of art and why you chose your particular medium. (16-20 points)
Response to Question
5 pts

Did you answer a question from the class or from the teacher?


You either do not answer a question or you do not sufficiently answer a question regarding any part of your project.

You answer a question from the class or the teacher regarding any part of your project.

You completely answer a question from the class or the teacher regarding any part of your project.
Feedback Participation
5 pts

Did you ask questions to get more information?


You do not ask a question or follow through with participation.

You participated, but did not ask a question or comment (feedback) on other projects.

You participated,asked questions and contibuted positive feedback on other projects.



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