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iRubric: Cultural Influence on Art rubric

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Cultural Influence on Art 
After reading the article and conducting independent research on populism, students will create a drawing expressing their take on how this phenomenon has influenced their world. The drawing subject matter can be any that the student feels is impacting them currently, that ties into this cultural shift. (All subject matter must be appropriate for school)
Rubric Code: EX565C2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Final Project: Cultural Influence
  Accomplished 4


Skilled 3


Emerging 2


Limited 1


Impactful Subject Matter

Accomplished 4

Student has exhaustively research subject matter to fully saturate their base idea: Strong cultural connection evident to finished work
Skilled 3

Student has compiled extensive research on subject matter for base ideas: the cultural connection is easily seen in finished piece
Emerging 2

Student had conducted research on the subject matter for the basis of their idea. Cultural influence is evident.
Limited 1

Students lack of research is evident in the unclear path selected to cultural ties

Accomplished 4

4: Student has utilized and applied line, space and value to raise the level of realism in the finished piece. The elements are seamlessly connected to flow and complement one another.
3: Student has utilized and applied shape, value, and space to raise the level of the finished work. Elements flow and compliment each to create a seamless connection
Skilled 3

4&3: Student has created realism through the use of each element to compliment the other. Some areas have small flaws, but the finished piece is still elevated.
Emerging 2

4&3: Student has been able to connect the elements to raise the overall effect of the piece, however flaws are evident
Limited 1

Elements may be present but do not enhance each other
Principles of design

Accomplished 4

4:Student has used the principles of balance, unity and proportion to create an aesthetically appeasing piece. The viewer is effortlessly led around the work through the use of the principles alone.
3: Student has used the principles of balance, proportion and emphasis to effortlessly guide the viewer
Skilled 3

4&3: Student has used the principles to create interest in the work, little effort by the viewer to transition throughout the work
Emerging 2

4&3: Student has used the principles effectively so that the viewer is drawn into the work, however the viewer may stay focused on only a certain areas and not as a collective
Limited 1

Principles are not utilized to guide the viewer around the piece: one or more may not be quite right and could benefit from re-working the piece
Accelerated 1PE

Accomplished 4

Student was able to interpret and evaluate the way theme or meaning in an artwork expresses the social, political or cultural context
Skilled 3

Student was able to interpret social and cultural contexts to develop personal meaning in visual imagery
Emerging 2

Student was able to analyze and connect context of visual imagery to cultural inlfuences
Limited 1

Student has not been able to explain or interpret cultural influences on art

Accomplished 4

Students finished work is free of all blemishes and matted evenly for viewing
Skilled 3

Students finished piece is mostly free of blemishes, those seen are minor and do not interfere with the viewing of the piece. The work has been mounted evenly for viewing
Emerging 2

Students work has some blemishes and could have improved with a final go-over before turning in for credit. The mars while visible still allow the viewer to see the intended image. Piece is matted
Limited 1

Blemishes interfere with the viewing of final piece. Work may or may not be matted.


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