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iRubric: Study Skills etc. rubric

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Students are required to review their progress toward their IEP Goals every 4 weeks.
Rubric Code: EX2794C
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Organizational skills etc.
  PI - Progressing Inconsistently

The student is making inconsistent progress and may not achieve goal.

1 pts

PG - Progressing Gradually

The student is making less than anticipated progress but may still achieve the goal.

2 pts

PS - Progressing Satisfactorily -

The student is making satisfactory progress and is expected to achieve the goal.

3 pts

A - Achieved -

The student has achieved the goal.

4 pts

Time Management

PI - Progressing Inconsistently

- Student is on task less than 50% of the time even with teacher prompts
PG - Progressing Gradually

Student is on task more than 50% but less than 75% of the time with teacher prompts
PS - Progressing Satisfactorily -

Student is on task more than 75% of the time with teacher prompts
A - Achieved -

student is on task nearly 100% of the time without teacher prompts
Organizational Skills

PI - Progressing Inconsistently

Student does not record assignments in planner/notebook
PG - Progressing Gradually

Student records some but not all assignments in the planner/notebook
PS - Progressing Satisfactorily -

Student records all assignments in planner/notebook with teacher prompts
A - Achieved -

Stduent records all assignments in planner/notebook without teacher prompts and recrods assignments in the daily, weekly, and monthly calendar
Homework Completion

PI - Progressing Inconsistently

student turns in less than 50% of assignments on time
PG - Progressing Gradually

student turns in more than 50% but less than 75% of assignments with teacher prompting
PS - Progressing Satisfactorily -

student turns in all assignments on time with teacher prompting
A - Achieved -

student turns in all assignments on time without teacher prompting
Progress Monitoring

PI - Progressing Inconsistently

student doesnot collect or record current gares in his/her binder and will not assess progress with IEP goals
PG - Progressing Gradually

student collects and records some of the current grades and will sometimes monitor progress of IEP goals
PS - Progressing Satisfactorily -

student collects/records current grades and monitors IEP goal progress with teacher prompting
A - Achieved -

student collects and records all current grades in his/her binder and monitors progress of IEP goals weekly without teacher prompts

  • IEP Goals

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