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iRubric: Assessment Rubrics for Grade VIII (Senior I)

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Assessment Rubrics for Grade VIII (Senior I) 
Ms. Excel (Intermediate)
Rubric Code: EBX9BB
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Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Excel Spreadsheet
Grade 8 (Senior I)
  Below Expectations

0 pts

Needs Improvement

1 pts

Meet Expectations

2 pts

Hide & Unhide columns
10 pts

Does student able to apply hide/unhide options on columns as mentioned in task.

Below Expectations

Student is unable to apply hide/unhide options.
Needs Improvement

Student is able to apply hide/unhide option to some extent.
Applied Unhide or Hide a column but it is not matching a criteria given in the task.
Meet Expectations

Student is able to apply hide/unhide option to a good extent.
Properly Hided and Unhided the said columns
Conditional Formatting
10 pts

Does student able to apply conditional formatting as mentioned in task.

Below Expectations

Student is unable to apply conditional formatting on given data
Needs Improvement

Student is able to apply conditional formatting on given data to some extent.
EITHER the conditional formatting was applied on wrong column or the condition applied is not matching the criteria given in the task.
Meet Expectations

Student is able to apply conditional formatting on given data to a good extent.
Conditional formatting applied matching the exact criteria given in the task.
Applying Filters on data
10 pts

Does student able to apply filters on data as mentioned in task

Below Expectations

Student is unable to apply filters on given data
Needs Improvement

Student is able to apply filters on given data to some extent.
EITHER the filter was applied on wrong column or the filter applied is on whole data.
Meet Expectations

Student is able to apply filters on given data to a good extent.
Filter applied matching the exact criteria given in the task.
Creating Bar Graph
15 pts

Creates graph on data comes through applied filter.

Below Expectations

Student is unable to create Bar Graph on given data
Needs Improvement

Student is able to create Bar Graph to some extent.
Created Bar graph but does not meet the criteria given in the task
Meet Expectations

Student is able to create Bar Graph to a good extent.
Created Bar Graph matching the exact criteria given in the task.
Print Setup
5 pts

Page Size: A4
Orientation: Landscape

Below Expectations

Student is unable to setup print layout of created document
Needs Improvement

Student is able to setup print layout of created document to some extent.
Either the page size or the orientation of page is not matching the criteria given in the task
Meet Expectations

Student is able to create Bar Graph to a good extent.
Print setup matching the exact criteria given in the task.

  • word processing


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