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iRubric: The Writing Process March 2008 rubric

iRubric: The Writing Process March 2008 rubric

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The Writing Process March 2008 
A rubric that assesses students' use of the writing process. This rubric also assesses students' reflection of their writing.
Rubric Code: E3W2X9
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric The Writing Process
Five Steps of The Writing Process

65 pts


75 pts


85 pts


95 pts


First Step in the Writing Process


Little to no time spent brainstorming, organizing and writing out ideas for this piece of writing

Some evidence that shows time spent brainstorming, orgainizing, and writing out ideas for this piece of writing

Evidence shows the use of brainstorming, organizing (use of graphic organizers) and writing out ideas for this piece of writing

Detailed evidence showing time spent brainstorming, organizing (use of graphic organizers) and writing out ideas for this piece of writing.

Second Step in The Writing Process


Draft includes little to no ideas from the prewriting session. Little to no information from prewriting is evident in draft

Draft includes limited ideas from prewriting session. An attempt was made to include the information from prewriting in draft.

Draft includes ideas from prewriting session. Evidence shows that student used prewriting to write draft as information from the prewriting in the draft.

Draft clearly includes ideas that were brainstormed, organized during prewriting

Third Step in The Writing Process


Student spent little to no time revising. Little to no changes were made to piece based upon the class directions. Student did not take peer revision seriously.

Student attempted to make changes to their writing, however the changes were minimal and focused on editing verses content and description presented in writing. Few changes were made based upon the class directions.

Student revision shows adequate changes made to content and ideas in writing. Description/details added to enhance writing. Student worked on class directions.

Student made numerous changes to writing, changing/adding details and description to make writing more attractive to reader. Description/details added clearly enhance writing. Revising shows that the student followed the class directions.
Sentence Variety


Only two of the following kinds of sentences used: AAA, appostive, or figurative language.

There are at least one of each of the following sentence types: AAAs, appostives, and figurative language. OR The sentences may not be clear or easy to understand

There are at least two examples of AAAs, appostives, and figurative language. One of these examples may not be clear.

There are at least two solid examples of AAAs, appostives, and figurative language in the writing. Sentence variety is strong.
Introductory Paragraph


Introduction is not clear. Hook or main idea statement (if an essay) is missing. Hook may not be strong. Student introduces piece using "I"

Introduction has a hook and a main idea statement(if an essay). The main idea statement may not clearly communicates what the essay is about. The beginning lines may not hook the reader.

Introduction has a hook and a main idea statement(if an essay). The main idea statement clearly communicates what the essay is about. The hook adequately grabs the reader's attention.

Introduction has a strong hook and a clear main idea statement(if an essay). Readers are capitivated by the hook and what to read more.

Fourth Step in The Writing Process


Numerous errors in spelling, capitalization, paragraphing, and punctuation,including commas and appostrophes, found in writing. These errors make it hard to understand the meaning/message of the writing due to these errors.

Frequent errors made in spelling, capitalization, paragraphing, and punctuation, including commas and apostrophes. These errors make it more difficult to understand the message or meaning of the writing. Evidence in draft shows that student attempted to make corrections to errors.

Few errors were made in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, including commas and apostrophes. Appropriate paragraphs used. Student spent ample time working on identifying and correcting editing errors.

No errors were made in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, including commas and apostrophes. Appropriate paragraphs used in writing.

Use of time during writing workshop


Student frequently had to be refocused/reminded to work on writing, revising, and editing during class. Student did not use classtime wisely or frequently was not prepared for class.

Student sometimes used classtime wisely, however, student had to be refocused and reminded to work on writing. Student conversations/actions focused on other topics instead of writing. Student may not have been prepared for class a couple of times.

Student mostly used classtime wisely, meeting with a peer to revise and edit. The majority of the time the student was focused and only one or two times did the student get off-task.

Student always used classtime wisely, meeting with a peer to revise. All conversations during class were focused on revising/editing work.

Fifth Step in The Writing Process


Final copy not turned in on time. AND/OR More than one part of writing (prewriting, first draft, second draft, etc) were not turned in with final copy.

Final copy was typed and easy to read. Parts of writing such as first draft, prewriting, second draft, etc., may be missing.

Final copy was typed and easy to read. All parts of writing were turned in but were out of order. OR Final copy typed and turned in on time but other parts of writing were turned in late.

Final copy was typed and easy to read. All parts of writing - prewriting, first draft, second draft, and any other notes needed were turned in with draft.
Goal Sheet/Reflection


The goal sheet was not filled out, or many parts of the goal sheet are left blank.

Goal sheet is partially filled out Student does not state if each individual goal was met or not and why. The reflection questions are answered one word responses with no detail supporting answer.

Goal sheet is adequately filled out, showing student's thoughts about whether they have met each individual goal or not. Student provides some description as to why or why not goal was/was not met. The reflection questions are answered, however, student does not fully elaborate on answer.

Goal sheet is thoroughly filled out, showing student's detailed thoughts about whether they have met each individual goal or not and why. The reflection questions are answered in detail, giving more than just a one word response. Examples are included in reflection.



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