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iRubric: Letter to My Future Self rubric

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Letter to My Future Self 
Write a letter to your future self.
Rubric Code: E226BA4
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Letter to Self Rubric

Level 5



Level 4



Level 3


Needs Improvement

Level 2



1.2 generate ideas about more challenging topics and identify those most appropriate for the purpose
1.4 sort and classify ideas and information
for their writing in a variety of ways
that allow them to manipulate information
and see different combinations and
relationships in their data


Uses planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness. Student has included a detailed brainstorm and rough draft in final submission. Student has used feedback to improve from rough to final draft.

Uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness. Student has included a brainstorm and rough draft in final submission. Student has used most feedback to improve from rough to final draft.

Uses planning skills with some effectiveness. Student has included a simple brainstorm and rough draft in final submission. Student has used some feedback to improve from rough to final draft.
Needs Improvement

Uses planning skills with limited effectiveness. Student has included a disorganized brainstorm and rough draft in final submission. Student has used little feedback to improve from rough to final draft.

2.2 establish a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience
2.3 regularly use vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions in their writing


Writing grabs the attention of the the reader with an engaging voice. Uses questioning and conversational voice to engage the reader.

Writing generally grabs the attention of the the reader with an engaging voice. Uses some questioning and conversational voice to engage the reader.

Writing somewhat grabs the attention of the the reader. Uses some questioning and conversational voice to engage the reader.
Needs Improvement

Voice is not really engaging and uses no questioning or conversational content to grab the attention of the reader.
Body content

1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience
for more complex writing forms
2.1 write complex texts of different lengths using a wide range of forms


Body includes at least five paragraphs discussing five of the six parts offered in the assignment.**

Body includes four paragraphs discussing four of the six parts offered in the assignment.**

Body includes three paragraphs discussing three of the six parts offered in the assignment.**
Needs Improvement

Body includes two paragraphs discussing two of the six parts offered in the assignment.**

3.1 spell familiar words correctly
3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and generalizations about spelling
3.5 use parts of speech correctly to communicate
their meaning clearly, with a focus on the use of: relative pronouns; prepositions, including prepositional phrases; adjectives; conjunctions; adverbs; present, past, and future verb tenses; present and past participl


There are no errors in spelling, usage, or capitalization. Paragraphs include an excellent variety of sentence structures, and are well-written and explain thoughts fully.

There are 1-3 errors in spelling, usage, or capitalization. Paragraphs include a good variety of sentence structures, and are well-written and explain thoughts adequately.

There are 4-6 errors in spelling, usage, or capitalization. Paragraphs include a minimal variety of sentence structures, and thoughts are explained minimally.
Needs Improvement

There are more than 6 errors in spelling, usage, or capitalization. Paragraphs do not include a variety of sentence structures, and thoughts are not explained.

2.7 make revisions to improve the content,
clarity, and interest of their written work,
using a variety of strategies
2.8 produce revised draft pieces of writing
to meet identified criteria based on the
3.6 proofread and correct their writing using guidelines developed with peers and the teacher


The letter has been proofread by the student and by one of their peers. They have both signed indicating their work and as a result there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

The letter has been proofread by the student and by one of their peers. They have both signed indicating their work.

The letter has been proofread by either the student OR by one of their peers. One of the signatures is missing.
Needs Improvement

The letter not been proof by the student OR one of their peers. Both signatures are missing.

  • English, letter, writing



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