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iRubric: Examining Civil Liberties - PPT Presentation rubric

iRubric: Examining Civil Liberties - PPT Presentation rubric

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Examining Civil Liberties - PPT Presentation 
To better understand the fictional dystopia created by George Orwell in his famous novel 1984, groups will collaboratively examine U.S. civil rights/liberties through analysis and presentation of a court case.
Rubric Code: DX82WX
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric PowerPoint Assessment




Needs Improvement




Quantity - 10 pts

min. of 10 slides


All ten slides are included and the content demonstrates students put extra effort/time into the presentation of facts/opinion.
10 pts

All ten slides are included and the content of each slide is the appropriate length for the thoughtful presentation of facts/opinion.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Slide may be missing and/or information included may be too short/rushed to adequately present facts/opinion.
7-6 pts

Does not meet min. requirement.
5-0 pts
Content - 20 pts

The facts of the case as well as court opinions and students's sophisticated response are expressed.


A thorough explanation of the facts (who, what, when, where, why and how) along with court opinions (including dissenting when available) are provided as the basis for students' sophisticated and convincing response to the case. The thoughtful analysis allows the audience to understand what the group feels would be the best outcome and why.
20-18 pts

An explanation of the facts (who, what, when, where, why, and how) along with court opinions are provided as the basis for students' comparison to their opinion.
17-16 pts
Needs Improvement

The presentation of the facts (who, what, when, where, why, and how) and the court opinions are unclear/and or details are missing, which provides a weak basis for the student's comparison to their opinion.
15-13 pts

Any part of the project is missing.
12-0 pts
Bibliography - 10 pts

All sources are properly recorded in MLA style on a bibliography page(s) at the end of the presentation. A minimum of two sources must be used.


Students exceed the minimum requirement and all sources are recorded without error in MLA style citation on the bibliography page.
10 pts

Students meet the minimum requirement and all sources are recorded without error in MLA style citation on the bibliography page.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Students do not meet the minimum requirement and/or sources are recorded with errors.
7-6 pts

A bibliography page is not included.
5-0 pts
Text Elements - 10 pts


The fonts are easy-to-read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Use of italics, bold, and indentations enhances readability. Text is appropriate in length and to the point.
10 pts

Sometimes the fonts are easy-to-read, but in a few places, the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. Text is appropriate in length and to the point.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Reading is difficult with lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold or lack of appropriate indentations of text.
7-6 pts

All text elements detract from presentation making it nearly impossible to read.
5-0 pts
Layout - 5 pts


The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings and white space.
5 pts

The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately.
4-3 pts
Needs Improvement

The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or uses a distracting background.
2 pts

The layout is not visually pleasing and shows no structure.
1-0 pts
Graphics, Sound, Animation - 5 pts


The graphics, sound and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships without detracting from the presentation.
5 pts

The graphics, sound/and or animation visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content without detracting from the presentation.
4-3 pts
Needs Improvement

Some of the graphics, sounds, and/or animations seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance the overall concepts and in fact may detract from the presentation.
2 pts

The graphics, sound, and/or animation detract from the presentation.
1-0 pts
Conventions - 10 pts

Spelling, Grammar, Capitalization, punctuation.


Students display excellent attention to detail and has no mistakes.
10 pts

Students display attention to detail and have few mistakes.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Students have several mistakes that affect the presentation.
7-6 pts

Students have numerous mistakes that show little to no effort to proofread.
5-0 pts
Presentation/Delivery - 10 pts


Volume of each participant is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. Students demonstrate sincere interest, and enthusiasm generates interest of audience. Students show complete preparedness.
10 pts

Volume of most participants is loud enough to be heard by all audience members. Students demonstrate interest and some enthusiasm to sometimes generate interest of audience. Students are mostly prepared.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Volume of some participants is not always loud enough to be heard by all audience members. Students routinely deliver presentation and do not always maintain audience interest. Students could have been more prepared.
7-6 pts

Volume and delivery show little to no preparation.
5-0 pts
Essential Questions - 10 pts


Each member of the group completed an essential questions worksheet on time and with thorough attention to detail.
10 pts

Each member of the group completed an essential questions worksheet on time with adequate attention to detail.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Most members of the group completed an essential questions worksheet on time with adequate attention to detail.
7-6 pts

Essential questions worksheets were not received on time and/or were not adequately detailed from two or more members of the group.
5-0 pts
Group Summary - 10 pts


Students write a thorough, yet concise, group summary with a clear topic and no unnecessary/trivia info that shows excellent attention to detail. The unfamiliar reader can easily grasp the main points from the clarity of the summary.
10 pts

Students write a concise group summary with a clear topic and little unnecessary/trivial info that shows attention to detail with few mistakes. The unfamiliar reader can grasp the point.
9-8 pts
Needs Improvement

Students write a group summary that may include unnecessary or trivial detail that detracts from the clarity and succinctness of the summary style and/or shows little attention to detail with several mistakes that detract from the reading.
The unfamiliar reader has difficulty understanding the main point.
7-6 pts

A group summary is not included and/or what is turned in does not constitute a summary.
5-0 pts
Total Points = 100

  • PowerPoint Assessment

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