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iRubric: Group Presentation 5% rubric

iRubric: Group Presentation 5% rubric

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Group Presentation 5% 
The Presentation Team must present their research, as a group to the class. Each member of the group must speak. You will earn a grade that reflects the accuracy and detail of your research, and the quality of the presentation of your findings. Each student on the group will earn a group collaboration grade. The group collaboration grade will be based on how effectively you perform your role as a member of the group.
Rubric Code: DX683CA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate, Graduate

Powered by iRubric Presentation Team
  Exceeds 5

goes above requirements - additional relevant information or delivery method


Meets 4 3 2

answers questions asked and covers content with "just enough" effort


Does not meet 1 0

low energy and effort, lack of attention to detail, missed information


Subject Knowledge

X3 /15

Exceeds 5

Specific, supportive, and sufficiently developed detail, demonstrates a thorough understanding of the various elements and their connection to the topic of study, answers all questions with some elaboration, fully meets expectations
Meets 4 3 2

Limited, and partially developed detail, demonstrates partial understanding of the various terms and/or their connection to the topic of study, appears uncomfortable with information, answers only most basic questions
Does not meet 1 0

Underdeveloped, vague, confusing detail, demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the various terms and/or their connection to the topic of study, demonstrates little understanding of subject, cannot answer questions about subject

x2 /10

Exceeds 5

Enthusiastic tone, appropriate volume, and speed of delivery are maintained. Every team member demonstrates proficient commitment to delivery of the presentation from memory - ease of speaking is natural in tone and content is interesting to listen to. There is evidence of practice and some consistency in presentation flow.
Meets 4 3 2

Tone, volume, speed are inconsistent. More practice is in order. There is little flow to the overall presentation. Almost too much detail - "listing data" versus sharing of interesting facts or story-telling. Comes across as answering a list of questions.
Does not meet 1 0

Tone, volume, speed are poor, the entire presentation is delivered with lack of attention to professionalism and flow. One or more speakers does not seem familiar with the content. Evidence of lack of rehearsal through transitions and body language.
Transitions | Functioning as a team


Exceeds 5

Proficient transitions between speakers and content.
Connects to audience through body language and interactions.
Meets 4 3 2

Partially developed transitions between speakers and content.
Does not meet 1 0

No speaker introductions/transitions employed
Very little connection to the audience - did not keep majority engaged or listening
Audio | Visual


Exceeds 5

Audio-visual elements of presentation are proficient, graphics are relevant and demonstrate a fairly complete understanding of subject, excellent graphics consistent with text, creativity is evident
Meets 4 3 2

Basic level of achievement with regard to audio-visual elements, graphics relevant but somewhat inappropriate/basic, demonstrate satisfactory understanding of subject, graphics somewhat consistent with text
Does not meet 1 0

Minimal level of achievement with regard to audio-visual elements, graphics demonstrate lack of understanding/professionalism, graphics inconsistent with text
Individual Effort/Contributions


see notes by student

Exceeds 5

Leadership and assistance (before during after)
Working with team
Knowledge of overall content,
Style - eye contact, volume, body language
eye contact consistent
Meets 4 3 2

Room to improve, nerves - voice, physical, using notes/limited eye contact
Familiar with own section/content but overall flow between speakers is not smooth
Does not meet 1 0

Lack of fit into team, seems unrehearsed, not familiar with their content - reading notes, seems unfamiliar with transitions and overall presentation - body language reads as not engaged, little/no audience engagement

  • Unit Guide | Presentation Team Evaluation

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