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iRubric: Midwest City Poem rubric

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Midwest City Poem 
Student written poem that gives facts about a key period of history
Rubric Code: D8C3X8
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Public Rubric
Subject: Geography  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Poem
  Exceeds 5 Points


Meets 4 Points


Approaching 2-3 Points


Does not meet 1 Point



Exceeds 5 Points

Poem is written in the style of Carl Sandburg using personification to represent their city.
Meets 4 Points

Poem is written in the style of Carl Sandburg, but the student fails to use personification to represent their city.
Approaching 2-3 Points

Student attempts to write in the style of Carl Sandburg, but is not successful.
Does not meet 1 Point

No attempt is made to write in the style of Carl Sandburg.

Exceeds 5 Points

The student(s) shows strong knowledge of the city chosen. Covers main ideas in the poem and accurately represents their chosen city.
Meets 4 Points

The student good shows knowledge of the city chosen. Covers most of main ideas in the poem and accurately represents their chosen city.
Approaching 2-3 Points

The student shows a knowledge of their city, but fails to accurately represent their chosen city.
Does not meet 1 Point

The student shows little or no knowledge of their chosen city.

Exceeds 5 Points

The poem has 2 stanzas of 5 lines each.
Meets 4 Points

The poem has 2 stanzas, but has more than 3 but less than 5 lines in each stanza.
Approaching 2-3 Points

The poem has 2 stanzas, but has 3 or fewer lines in each stanza.
Does not meet 1 Point

The poem does not have 2 stanzas.

Exceeds 5 Points

Picture accurately represents the chosen city in an interesting and informative manner.
Meets 4 Points

Picture represents the chosen city.
Approaching 2-3 Points

Picture has questionable relationship to the chosen city.
Does not meet 1 Point

Picture fails to represent the chosen city.
  Exceeds 10 Points


Meets 8-9 Points


Approaching 6-7 Points


Does not Meet 0-5 Points


Information Sheet

Exceeds 10 Points

The information sheet is accurately and completely filled in.
Meets 8-9 Points

The information sheet is filled in, but is missing 1 or 2 items or has 1 or 2 inaccuracies.
Approaching 6-7 Points

The information sheet is filled in, but is missing 3-5 items or has 3 to 5 inaccuracies.
Does not Meet 0-5 Points

The information sheet is missing more than 5 items, or has more than 5 inaccuracies. The information sheet is not completed (0 Points)

  • Poem, geography


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