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iRubric: Persuasive Essay rubric

iRubric: Persuasive Essay rubric

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Persuasive Essay 
Persuasive Essay
Rubric Code: D7XW4C
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Persuasive Essay
  4 Exemplary

100 pts

3 Proficient

85 pts

2: Emerging

70 pts

1: Needs Improvement

50 pts


4 Exemplary

Thesis is clear and Persuasive.
Argument is sound and expertly supported by evidence.
Supporting paragraphs contain excellent choices of evidence in support the thesis. Essay shows an in depth and perceptive understanding of literature or non-fiction text and prompt.
3 Proficient

Thesis is basically clear and persuasive.
Argument is clear and supporting paragraphs do a good job in support of thesis. Essay shows a basic understanding of literature or non-fiction text and prompt

W. 1c.9-10
2: Emerging

Thesis is weak.
Argument and evidence is weak/does not connect to thesis.
Supporting paragraphs do not always support thesis. Essay shows minimal understanding of literature or non-fiction text and/or prompt
1: Needs Improvement

No thesis.
Argument and evidence do not connect or support one point.
Supporting paragraphs are disconnected. Essay does not convey an understanding of literature or non-fiction text or prompt.

4 Exemplary

Essay shows a superior sense of organization by following a logical order and does not go off topic. Strong topic sentences support thesis, concluding sentences neatly wrap up each paragraph.
3 Proficient

Essay shows a basic sense of organization by mostly following a logical order and stays on topic for the majority of the essay. Topic sentences are connected to thesis, and concluding sentences, for the most part, wrap up most paragraphs.
W.2a,b,c 9-10.

2: Emerging

Organizational errors are evident in terms of following an illogical order of ideas, and at some points, not all points relate to topic. Another issue or in addition, is that topic sentences are not always connected to thesis. Concluding sentences are not always evident.
1: Needs Improvement

Essay is unorganized ans strays off topic. The order of points/ideas lack a logical order. There are many errors in topic and concluding sentences.
Neatness and Professional

4 Exemplary

Essay is neatly typed with twelve print and Times New Roman font. Essay is double spaced with proper margins. Essay contains a proper heading.
3 Proficient

Essay is neatly hand written in ink and maintains proper format. Overall, essay is very neat and reflects care and effort.

2: Emerging

Essay is written in pencil and difficult to read. Another possibility is that the essay is written in ink, but is very sloppy. Overall, essay appearance is sloppy and reflects little care and effort.
1: Needs Improvement

Very sloppy and difficult to ink, regardless if in pen or pencil. Reflects a lack of care and effort.
Grammar/Spelling/Word Choice

4 Exemplary

Writing is logical and fluid.
Many sentences are varied in structure.
No grammar or punctuation errors. Essay contains sophisticated word choice. Transitions are effectively used throughout essay.
3 Proficient

Writing is easy to read.
Most sentences are varied in structure.
Paper needs little editing.
Few grammar or punctuation errors. Appropriate and basic word choice. Good use of transitions.

2: Emerging

Essay shows little evidence of varied sentence structure. There are several errors in spelling and grammar. Word choice is not always appropriate in terms of task/prompt. There is evidence of some transitions but more are needed.
1: Needs Improvement

Writing has many errors.
Paper needs much editing.
Many punctuation or grammar errors. There are many errors in sentence structure and word choice. Little to no use of transitions.

4 Exemplary

Excellent job following basic guidelines of assignment. The essay goes above and beyond basic requirements. Shows superior care and effort.
3 Proficient

Good job following requirements. The essay meets the basic requirements of assignment with minor errors. Shows a basic sense of care and effort.
2: Emerging

Fair job following requirements. Several requirements are not met or left out completely. Shows minimal care and effort.
1: Needs Improvement

Many requirements are not met and/or left out completely. Shows little care and effort.

  • Persuasive Essay



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