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iRubric: Visual Acuity rubric

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Visual Acuity 
Vision screening for athletics

Powered by iRubric Visual Acuity
Sports Therapy Sciences
Task #501

5 pts

4 pts

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts

2.5 pts

Introduces self, equipment prepared, mature attitude

5 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student was well prepared and extremely professional throughout the entire test.
4 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student was well prepared and professional throughout most of the testing process.
3 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student was moderately prepared and mostly professional throughout the testing process.
2 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student was minimally prepared and somewhat professional throughout the entire process.
1 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student was not prepared and did not conduct self in a professional manner.
Patient/client Instruction
2.5 pts

Describes what the client should expect each test,

5 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student instructed client clearly how each test is performed and instructed patient on which eye to cover.
4 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student instructed client mostly how test is performed and instructed patient on which eye to cover.
3 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student instructed client somewhat how test is performed and instructed patient on which eye to cover.
2 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student did not instruct client how test is performed OR did not instruct patient on which eye to cover.
1 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student did not instruct client how test is performed AND did not instruct patient on which eye to cover.
Test Performance
2.5 pts

Performs each test accurately

5 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed all 4 tests (visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception and contrast sensitivity) with 100% accuracy.
4 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed 3 out of 4 tests (visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception and contrast sensitivity) with 100% accuracy.
3 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed 2 out of 4 tests (visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception and contrast sensitivity) with 100% accuracy.
2 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed 1 out of 4 tests (visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception and contrast sensitivity) with 100% accuracy.
1 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed NO test (visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception and contrast sensitivity) with 100% accuracy.
2.5 pts

History, records results and shares with client, refers if necessary

5 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed a history and recorded test results with 100% accuracy using all appropriate abbreviations.
4 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed a history and recorded test results with <100% accuracy using all appropriate abbreviations.
3 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student performed a history and recorded test results with <100% accuracy using some appropriate abbreviations.
2 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student did not perform a history OR did not record test results using appropriate abbreviations.
1 ( x 2.5 pts)

Student did not perform a history AND did not record test results using appropriate abbreviations.



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