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iRubric: Writing Email Rubric for AP Spanish Language & Culture

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Writing Email Rubric for AP Spanish Language & Culture 
AP Spanish. Respond to an email with an email.
Rubric Code: D24A673
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Writing Rubric

10 pts


8 pts


6 pts


4 pts

Completion & Effort


Writer exceeds or fulfills the requirements. Answers all parts of the question.

Writer mostly fulfills the requirements. Answers most parts of the prompt. May not have the complete formatting.

Writer somewhat fulfills the requirements. Answers some parts of the prompt. May not have the complete formatting or may miss answering some parts.

Writer does not answer the prompt.
Grammar Accuracy


There are only 1 to 2 errors in subject/verb agreement. There are 1 or 2 errors in noun/adjective agreement. Object pronouns are used correctly when needed. Writer uses correct word order, spelling and punctuation. There are only 2 or fewer total errors in general accuracy.

There are 3 or 4 errors in subject/verb agreement and/or adjective agreement. 1 -2 object pronoun errors might be present. Writer usually uses correct word order, spelling and punctuation. There are 3 or 4 total errors in general accuracy.

There are 5 or 6 grammatical errors: subject/verb agreement, object pronouns, noun/adjective agreement, verb choice, verb tense, etc. Writer makes multiple mistakes with word order, spelling and punctuation. There are 5 or 6 total errors in general accuracy.

There are more than 6 grammatical errors: subject/verb agreement, object pronouns, noun/adjective agreement, verb choice, verb tense, etc. Writer makes multiple mistakes with word order, spelling and punctuation. There are more than 6 total errors in general accuracy.
Details and elaboration


Provides required information (responses to questions, requests for details) with FREQUENT elaboration.

Provides required information (responses to questions, requests for details) with SOME elaboration.

Provides required information (responses to questions, requests for details) with FEW examples of elaboration.

Provides some required information (responses to questions, requests for details) with NO elaboration
Register / Tone


Consistent use of register appropriate for the situation, control of cultural conventions appropriate for formal correspondence. Includes a saludo and a despedida and paragraph formatting.

Generally consistent use of register appropriate for the situation with FEW shifts; BASIC control of cultural conventions. Includes a saludo and a despedida (greeting & closing).

Use of register may be inappropriate for the situation or have SEVERAL shifts in register and/or tone. The tone may lack courtesy.
May lack a greeting and/or closing.

Tone is harsh and/or impolite Inappropriate register used multiple times.
Lacks a greeting and closing.
Vocabulary and sentence complexity


Varied and appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic language. VARIETY of simple and compound sentences, and SOME complex sentences.

Varied and GENERALLY appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic language. Simple, compound and a FEW complex sentences.

Appropriate but BASIC vocabulary and idiomatic language. Includes simple and a few compound sentences. May have multiple run-on sentences.

Limited vocabulary and idiomatic language and inappropriately used vocabulary. Simple sentences and phrases present, but lacks compound and complex sentences.

  • email reply, AP Spanish

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