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iRubric: Google Slides Final Exam Rubric

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Google Slides Final Exam Rubric 
Rubric Code: D249399
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Exam  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Google Slides Rubric
  Level 5

5 pts

Level 4

4 pts

Level 3

3 pts

Level 2

2 pts

Level 1

0 pts


Students can find meaning in what they are looking at.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirements in finding meaning in their book of choice.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed in finding meaning in their book of choice.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed in finding meaning in their book of choice.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort in finding meaning in their book of choice.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.
ELA1.V.1 AP.3

Students can identify and use picture clues, context clues, and or background knowledge to determine the meaning of unknown words at the students ability level.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to use context clues and background information to figure out their question.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to use context clues and background information to figure out their question.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to use context clues and background information to figure out their question.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to use context clues and background information to figure out their question.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.
ISTE Standard 1.6

Creative Communicator:
Students will be able to communicate clearly and express themselves creativley

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to communicate and express themselves in a creative way.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to communicate and express themselves in a creative way.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to communicate and express themselves in a creative way.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to communicate and express themselves in a creative way.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.
ISTE Standard 1.6.d

Student was able to publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audience.

Level 5

The student was able to show exemplary work and the necessary requirement's to present their message to their peers in the classroom through a slideshow presentation.
Level 4

The student met the mandatory amount of information needed to present their message to their peers in the classroom through a slideshow presentation.
Level 3

Student missed one piece of information needed to present their message to their peers in the classroom through a slideshow presentation.
Level 2

Student showed very minimal effort to present their message to their peers in the classroom through a slideshow presentation.
Level 1

Not Completed

Student did not complete assignment.



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