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iRubric: Historical Persona Rubric

iRubric: Historical Persona Rubric

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Historical Persona Rubric 
Grade 10 Canadian History - Intro Unit
Rubric Code: D249342
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric CHC2D1-02 - Historical Personas
  Exceeding Expectations

80% - 100%


Meeting Expectations

70% - 79%


Almost Meeting Expectations

60% - 69%


Not Meeting Expectations


Knowledge & Understanding
10 pts

Using the criteria and your knowledge of history, identify similarities and differences between yourself and your historical persona.

Exceeding Expectations

Student has defined and expanded on the criteria of their work through the use of relevant and logical details, and a distinct and thorough understanding of their historical persona. Student identifies clear differences between themselves and their historical persona leading to a thorough understanding of different points of views.
Meeting Expectations

Student has defined and expanded on the criteria of their work through the use of logical details, and a good understanding of their historical persona. Student identifies clear differences between themselves and their historical persona leading to an understanding of different points of views.
Almost Meeting Expectations

Student is somewhat unclear and has not expanded on the criteria of their work; student uses few details, and demonstrates some understanding of their historical persona. Student identifies some differences and demonstrates a fair understanding between themselves and their historical persona, leading to some understanding of different points of views.
Not Meeting Expectations

Student work is unclear and limited. Student hasn't included the required criteria or expanded on the criteria of their work. Student has used limited details. Student identifies little to no differences between themselves and their historical persona, leading to a limited understanding of different points of views.
10 pts

Student has developed detailed ideas and perspectives of their historical persona, with connections to prior knowledge.

Exceeding Expectations

Student embodies the historical figure through relevant and thorough details. Student makes meaningful comparisons between themselves and their persona. Work shows a nuanced understanding of the life of their historical persona.
Meeting Expectations

Student embodies the historical figure through relevant details. Student makes good comparisons between themselves and their persona. Work shows an understanding of their historical persona.
Almost Meeting Expectations

Student embodies the historical figure through some details. Student makes some good comparisons between themselves and their persona. Comparisons are beginning to go into detail. Work shows some understanding of their historical persona.
Not Meeting Expectations

Student does not embody their historical figure. Limited to details included and few comparisons made. Comparisons do not go into detail or include very limited details. Work shows a limited understanding of their historical persona.
10 pts

Student applies knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to create a persona that reflects the applicable time periods.

Exceeding Expectations

Student effectively applies and expands on their knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to make thorough and detailed comparisons. Historical Persona accurately reflects the applicable time period.
Meeting Expectations

Student applies their knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to make detailed comparisons. Historical Persona reflects the applicable time period.
Almost Meeting Expectations

Student somewhat applies their knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to make some comparisons between themselves and their persona. Historical Persona somewhat reflects the applicable time period.
Not Meeting Expectations

Student doesn't apply or doesn't apply effectively, the knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to make some comparisons between themselves and their persona. Historical Persona doesn't reflect the applicable time period.
10 pts

Writing is well organized, with use of transitions, proper grammar, and relevant vocabulary,

Exceeding Expectations

Student reflection is exceptionally structured and organized. Writing includes introductory and concluding sentences. Student makes exceptional use of transitions, grammar, and relevant vocabulary to enhance the comparison. Student thoroughly reflects in detail and summarizes their findings.
Meeting Expectations

Student reflection is well structured and organized. Writing includes introductory and concluding sentences. Student makes excellent use of transitions, grammar, and relevant vocabulary. Student reflects in detail and summarizes their findings.
Almost Meeting Expectations

Student reflection is somewhat structured and organized. Writing includes either an introductory/concluding sentence. Student makes some use of transitions, grammar, and relevant vocabulary. Student somewhat reflects and summarizes their findings.
Not Meeting Expectations

Student reflection is poorly structured and organized. Writing doesn't include introductory and concluding sentences. Student does not use or use effectively, transitions, grammar, and relevant vocabulary in their writing. Student poorly reflects or doesn't reflect on their findings. Summary is not done in detail or not included.

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