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iRubric: New York State Rubric (Adapted 2014)

iRubric: New York State Rubric (Adapted 2014)

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New York State Rubric (Adapted 2014) 
Rubric Code: CXX7488
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric NYS Rubric (Adapted) 1
This rubric has been adapted from the NYS common core exam to fit the needs of our school.
  Exceeding Standards

4 pts

Meeting Standards

3 pts

Approaching Standards

2 pts

Far Below Standards

1 pts

No Standards Met

0 pts


the extent to which the essay conveys complex ideas and information clearly and accurately in order to support claims in an analysis of topics or texts

Exceeding Standards

—clearly introduce a topic in a manner that is compelling and follows logically from the task and purpose
—demonstrate insightful analysis of the text(s)
Meeting Standards

— clearly introduce a topic in a manner that follows from the task and purpose
—demonstrate grade-appropriate analysis of the text(s)
Approaching Standards

—introduce a topic in a manner that follows generally from the task and purpose
—demonstrate a literal comprehension of the text(s)
Far Below Standards

—introduce a topic in a manner that does not logically follow from the task and purpose
—demonstrate little understanding of the text(s)
No Standards Met

—demonstrate a lack of comprehension of the text(s) or task

the extent to which the essay presents evidence from the provided texts to support analysis and reflection

Exceeding Standards

—develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples from the text(s)
—sustain the use of varied, relevant evidence
Meeting Standards

—develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, details, quotations, or other information and examples from the text(s)
—sustain the use of relevant evidence, with some lack of variety
Approaching Standards

—partially develop the topic of the essay with the use of some textual evidence, some of which may be irrelevant
—use relevant evidence inconsistently
Far Below Standards

—demonstrate an attempt to use evidence, but only develop ideas with minimal, occasional evidence which is generally invalid or irrelevant
No Standards Met

—provide no evidence or provide evidence that is completely irrelevant

provides an analysis of the textual evidence used in the students' own words

Exceeding Standards

-demonstrates insightful analysis of the evidence
Meeting Standards

-demonstrates grade-appropriate analysis of the evidence
Approaching Standards

-demonstrates a literal analysis of the evidence
Far Below Standards

-demonstrates minimal understanding of the evidence
No Standards Met

-does not provide an explanation of the evidence, or it is an incorrect analysis of the evidence

the extent to which the essay logically organizes complex ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language

Exceeding Standards

—exhibit clear organization, with the skillful use of appropriate and varied transitions to create a unified whole and enhance meaning
—establish and maintain a formal style, using grade-appropriate, stylistically sophisticated language and domain-specific vocabulary with a notable sense of voice
—provide a concluding statement or section that is compelling and follows clearly from the topic and information presented
Meeting Standards

—exhibit clear organization, with the use of appropriate transitions to create a unified whole
—establish and maintain a formal style using precise language and domain-specific vocabulary
—provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the topic and information presented
Approaching Standards

—exhibit some attempt at organization, with inconsistent use of transitions
—establish but fail to maintain a formal style, with inconsistent use of language and domain-specific vocabulary
—provide a concluding statement or section that follows generally from the topic and information presented
Far Below Standards

—exhibit little attempt at organization, or attempts to organize are irrelevant to the task
—lack a formal style, using language that is imprecise or inappropriate for the text(s) and task
—provide a concluding statement or section that is illogical or unrelated to the topic and information presented
No Standards Met

—exhibit no evidence of organization
—use language that is predominantly incoherent or copied directly from the text(s)
—do not provide a concluding statement or section

the extent to which the essay demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

Exceeding Standards

—demonstrate grade-appropriate command of conventions, with few errors
Meeting Standards

—demonstrate grade-appropriate command of conventions, with occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension
Approaching Standards

—demonstrate emerging command of conventions, with some errors that may hinder comprehension
Far Below Standards

—demonstrate a lack of command of conventions, with frequent errors that hinder comprehension
No Standards Met

—are minimal, making assessment of conventions unreliable



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