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iRubric: Sustainable Communities Project rubric

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Sustainable Communities Project 
In your groups create a project that can be implemented in your community which will help reduce our ecological footprint. Incorporate ways in how to establish a more environmentally sustainable community. Money is no object! You will have 35 minutes to work on this project in class and then will be presenting to your peers. Make sure to include a visual of your project for your presentation (ex: poster, PowerPoint, video, comic strip, etc). You will be graded as a team and as individuals.
Rubric Code: CB65C3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Geography  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Sustainable Communities Project

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Content & Creativity


Group proposal is coherent, clear and based on research. The ideas presented reflect understanding of the issues. The proposal reflects the group interests, but it is culturally relevant and sustainable.

The proposal is sound, but lacks clear connection to our community's ecological footprint. The presentation is based only on research and it does not give full consideration to the interests of people in the community.

The proposal idea is unclear, unoriginal or lacks research basis. Students do not draw upon their disciplinary strengths to develop a project that is considerate of the community's needs. The proposal only reflects student interests and it is unclear how the community will be able to implement or maintain this project.


It is evident that students worked together to design their proposal. Allowed each person to contribute and have an equal part in each stage of the project. Each person is well prepared to give their part of their talk.

Group members worked together with some conflict and arguing during discussions. All group members contributed, however, some students exhibited greater responsibility than others. Most group members were prepared for presentation.

Students are goofing off or arguing amongst each other. Negative attitudes towards each other and arguing during discussions. Unequal completion of work and lack of preparation for final presentation.


Each speaker will make eye contact with their audience and speak in an audible and convincing voice. Student will exhibit knowledge of their given area. When presenting the student will position their body out of the way of the visual(s) so their audience can see the images. Student is overall enthusiastic about his or her work.

Student does not use distracting hand gestures or other body language. Student makes eye contact occasionally while presenting. Student speaks loud enough to be heard, but lacks enthusiasm.

Student reads his or her part and does not look up to engage his or her audience. The student speaks too low to be heard or too fast to keep up with. Student stands in front of visual, blocking the audience's view of images.


The students each have a clear role or part in the presentation. The material presented flows well and is clearly sequenced. The group concludes with a summary of points and an invitation for questions or comments.

Transitions between speakers or topics are disruptive and exhibit lack of thought and preparation. <BR>
Group does not offer concluding thoughts.

The presentation lacks reasoning and it is evident that one or more students were unprepared. <BR>
Students end their presentation abruptly or with a "that's it" comment.
Use of visuals/supporting materials


Students visual is extremely well thought out and highly creative. The visual captivates the audience's attention.

Students visual is somewhat thought out and displays minimal creativity. The visual somewhat captures the viewers' attention.

Students visual is not well thought out and lacks creativity. The visual does not capture the viewers' attention.

  • group oral presentation

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