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iRubric: Literary Scrapbook rubric

iRubric: Literary Scrapbook rubric

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Literary Scrapbook 
Rubric Code: C6CXB3
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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  4 Exemplary


3 Proficient


2: Emerging


1: Below Proficient


Character Fact Sheet

4 Exemplary

Literary Scrapbook includes a character fact sheet that accurately relates the basic facts of the character. All requirements from format are included
3 Proficient

Literary scrapbook includes a character fact sheet that accurately relates the basic facts of the character. All requirements from format are included.
2: Emerging

While the literary scrapbook includes a character fact sheet there may be either some inaccurate information included and/or required information from format may be missing.
1: Below Proficient

The character fact sheet is either completely incorrect, missing a lot of information, or may not be included at all.
Character Journals


4 Exemplary

There are three character journal from each stage of the book. In addition, the entries expertly capture the character's gender, social position, as well as personality and motivation. Also, the entries include major plot developments that pertain to that character and are important to the story. Overall, the journals reflect an in depth and perceptive understanding of the character as well as the plot. Expertly shows character authenticity.
3 Proficient

There are no less than three character journals from each stage in the story. In addition, the entries show a basic understanding of the character in terms of gender, social position, personality and motivation. Also, the entries include major plot developments but one or two may be left out and/or some plot developments included are not he most important, especially in terms of pertaining to the character. Contains character authenticity.
2: Emerging

Several possible issues are evident: there are less than three entries or all entries are from the same stage. Some or most of the entries do not show a basic understanding of character (gender, social, personality, and motivation), or plot incidents are insignificant or important plot incidents are missing.
1: Below Proficient

Contains many missing criteria such as the character's basic personality and/or the plot events are all insignificant. Contains no authenticity of the character.
Letter from Character


4 Exemplary

There is a letter from the character to another character about a major plot incident that involves both characters. In addition, there is a response letter from the other character about this particular incident. Both letters show a superior understanding of the character(s), including emotions/reactions. Both letters show an excellent understanding of plot based on the chosen plot incident.
3 Proficient

There is a letter from the character to another character about a major plot incident that involves both characters. In addition, there is a response letter from the other character about this particular incident. Both letters show a basic understanding of the character(s), including emotions/reactions. Both letters show a basic understanding of plot development.
2: Emerging

Several issues may evident. One example could be that there may be letters from the character and a response letter from another but the letters may be lacking in either character understanding and/or plot development.
1: Below Proficient

Missing either the character letters and/or response letter.
Newspaper Article

4 Exemplary

Excellent job! Newspaper article looks authentic and focuses on a major plot incident involving chosen character.
3 Proficient

Good job! Newspaper article is typed and somewhat looks like an authentic newspaper article. The focus of the article is a major plot development important to the chosen character.
2: Emerging

Either hand-written and lacking in authenticity. Another problem or in addition to, is that the chosen focus of the article is not as important to the story and/or only somewhat involves the character.
1: Below Proficient

Subject of newspaper article in insignificant to plot and/or character.
Dynamic/Round/Flat/Static Character


4 Exemplary

Accurately and expertly identifies if the character is dynamic and round or flat and static. Textual support is correct and supports the claim. The response shows a deep understanding of the character as well as literary elements.
3 Proficient

Accurately identifies if the character is dynamic and round or flat and static. Textual support is correct and supports the claim. Response shows a basic understanding of the character. Shows a basic understanding of character and literary elements.
2: Emerging

The response identifies if the character is dynamic and round or flat and static. However, there may be some inaccuracies and/or incorrect textual support. Response does not a complete understanding of character/ and or literary elements.
1: Below Proficient

The response is lacking in either the identification of dynamic and round or static and flat. Another issue could be that textual support is incorrect. Overall, the response shows a lack in understanding of character and literary elements.
Personal Reflection


4 Exemplary

Personal reflection shows an in depth and superior understanding of how the character reflects social status and prestige. Reflection is long enough to expertly analyze the character in terms of social status and prestige.
3 Proficient

Personal reflection shows a basic understanding of the how the character reflects social status and prestige. Reflection is long enough to satisfactory analyze the character in terms of social status and prestige.
2: Emerging

Personal reflection does not show a basic understanding of how the character reflects social status and prestige. Reflection shows confusion of social status and prestige and character. in addition, the character is less than one page.
1: Below Proficient

Personal reflection shows minimal understanding of how the character reflects social status and prestige. In addition the reflection is less than one page.

4 Exemplary

Creatively and professionally packaged with pictures that are relevant to the requirements and enhance the final product. Excellent effort!
3 Proficient

Mostly shows creativity and professionally packaged. Pictures are mostly relevant to the requirements and enhance the final product. Shows a basic sense of effort.
2: Emerging

The overall product is either lacking in several areas: creativity and/or professionalism. Another issue is several pictures included are random and do not seem connected with the requirements. Overall, does not show a lot of effort.
1: Below Proficient

Lacking in many areas: minimal creativity, professionalism, or pictures do not show any real connection to the requirements. Shows little effort.


4 Exemplary

Few to no grammar and spelling errors. Quotes are properly cited, book titles are underlined.
3 Proficient

There are some grammar and spelling errors evident but does interfere with overall clarity and meaning. Quotes are properly documented, book titles underlined.
2: Emerging

Several errors in grammar and spelling. Errors cause areas of confusion. Some errors in quote documentation and book titles are not underlined.
1: Below Proficient

Many errors in grammar and spelling. Overall, the errors interfere with overall understanding. Many errors in quote documentation and book titles are not underlined.



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