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iRubric: HHS Biology Final Project rubric

iRubric: HHS Biology Final Project rubric

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HHS Biology Final Project 
I will use this rubric to grade my students' work on their final project in biology. Students will have chosen a topic of interest to research and present to the class on finals week.
Rubric Code: C4WC85
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Project Grade
Each row will be divided by 5. That number will be multiplied by the factor in the column that your project falls under.

For example:
Content is 60/5 = 12.
An "above average" grade in content is x4.
So 4 x 12 = 48pts in Content.
  Unacceptable (F)

Does Not Meet Expectations. Not there yet.



Below Average (D)

Partially Meets Expectations. Almost there!



Fair/Average (C)

Meets Expectations. You got it!



Above Average (B)

Partially Exceeds Expectations. Great!



Outstanding (A)

Above & Beyond, Exceeds Expectations. Wow!!!



60 pts

Wikipedia is not all-knowing! In fact, if Wikipedia is your only source, then you're in trouble!

Unacceptable (F)

- Contains mostly incorrect information.
- It is obvious that the student does not know very much about their topic.
- Student cannot answer post-presentation questions.
Below Average (D)

- Contains some correct information, content comes mostly from textbook.
- Student didn't branch out to search for new information.
- The student knows very little about their topic.
- They have a difficult time answering teacher/student questions.
Fair/Average (C)

- All information is correct, some content comes from textbook, but is mostly from sources.
- Student went beyond the book/one source to search for new information.
- Student can answer some basic questions, but struggles with some that are more in-depth.
- Student has a solid understanding of their topic.
Above Average (B)

- All information is correct, including info not covered in class.
- Project contains some content from class, but most from other sources.
- Student clearly searched for new information from good resources.
- They can answer all questions well, including some that look for a deeper understanding of the material.
Outstanding (A)

- All information is correct. Most information is gathered from reputable sources outside of class.
- Student is able to relate all parts of research together.
- Student clearly searched for new information from excellent resources.
- Project is extremely well-researched; student has lots of information prepared so they can answer questions.
- They clearly have a deep understanding of all facets of their topic.
20 pts

Easy to understand... All of your information, presentation and speaking are clear.

Unacceptable (F)

- Information is not clearly worded, poor or missing descriptions.
- Students would not understand subject, even with in-class knowledge.
- If hand-written, it is very messy and difficult to read.
Below Average (D)

- Some parts are clear, others are not, same with descriptions.
- Students would find it hard understanding concepts, even with in-class knowledge.
- If hand-written, it is hard to read.
Fair/Average (C)

- Clear wording, good descriptions. Students would understand with in-class knowledge.
- If hand-written, it is readable and neat.
Above Average (B)

- Exceptional wording, great descriptions.
- Students would understand with little to no previous knowledge.
- If hand-written, it is very neat and legible.
Outstanding (A)

- Exceptional wording, great descriptions.
- Students would understand with little to no previous knowledge.
- Students watching are engaged and focused.
- There is very little confusion about the topic.
Time Management
10 pts

Use it wisely... I'm watching you!
I will have "checkpoints" for you to follow, so you don't have to do everything at home/at school. You can mix it up.

Unacceptable (F)

- Time was not well-managed.
- Distractions were frequent and student was unable to redirect themselves.
Below Average (D)

- Some of the time was managed well, but distractions occurred often.
- Student had a difficult time redirecting themselves & getting back on task.
Fair/Average (C)

- Most of the time was managed well, but distractions occurred now and then.
- Student was able to refocus well.
Above Average (B)

- Time was managed well and student was always on task.
- When distractions occurred, student refocused quickly.
Outstanding (A)

- Time was managed well and student was always on task.
- When distractions occurred, student refocused quickly.
- Student clearly worked very hard outside of class as well, and did not save all of the work for in class.
20 pts

Make the project your own! You don't have to be Van Gogh, but you do have to be original!
I don't want to see the "same-old" presentation of info.

Unacceptable (F)

- No evidence of original thinking.
- Very basic.
Below Average (D)

- Some evidence of original thinking.
- Slightly modified a basic concept or idea.
Fair/Average (C)

- Unique idea that is eye-catching and utilizes specific talents.
- Student takes a basic idea and makes it their own.
Above Average (B)

- Excellent incorporation of multiple ideas.
- Original and broad use of media that is eye-catching.
- Student uses specific talents to come up with a clever way to present information.
Outstanding (A)

- Excellent incorporation of multiple ideas, all are well-related and tied together.
- Original and broad use of media that is eye-catching.
- Keeps audience fully engaged but NOT distracted.
- Student clearly knows what they are good at, and capitalizes on this talent.
60 pts

Show us what you've got! Do it in a unique way!

Unacceptable (F)

- Presentation is too short.
- Less than 2 minutes.
- It lacks organization.
- Does not have introduction or conclusion.
Below Average (D)

- Student presents in just under allotted time.
- 2-3 minutes.
- Presentation has poor organization.
- It is lacking parts, such as an introduction or conclusion.
Fair/Average (C)

- Student presents their project in allotted time.
- 3-5 minutes
- They introduce their project.
- They explain their reasons for choosing the topic.
- They explain the concept behind it.
- They have a conclusion.
Above Average (B)

- Student presents their project in allotted time.
- 3-5 minutes
- They introduce their project, attempting a "hook" or attention-getting device.
- They explain the concept/theory/idea behind the project.
- They have a conclusion that sums up the project well.
Outstanding (A)

- Student presents their project in allotted time (3-5 minutes)
- They introduce their project with a successful "hook" or attention-getting device.
- They demonstrate or explain clearly the concept/theory/idea behind their project choices.
- They have a conclusion that sums up the project very well.
- Overall, the project has that "something extra." A distinctive, dramatic or unusual part(s) that leave the viewer wanting to know more.
Citations Page
30 pts

SON of a Citation Machine, Mrs. McCombs, or a book... figure out how to do them CORRECTLY.

Unacceptable (F)

- Student has 1-2 citations that are not formatted correctly.
Below Average (D)

- Student has very few citations (between 2-4).
- Most are formatted incorrectly.
Fair/Average (C)

- Student does not have the required number of citations (between 4-7).
- Most are formatted correctly.
Above Average (B)

- Student has included the required number of citations (8-10).
- All are formatted correctly.
Outstanding (A)

- Student includes citations beyond the required amount (11+).
- All are formatted correctly.
Use of Multimedia (EXTRA CREDIT)
30 pts

This does not include your Keynote (if you have one). This is a video, website, movie, etc that YOU created.

No length requirement. I would recommend at least 20-30 seconds, but no longer than 2 minutes.

Unacceptable (F)

- Audio is very difficult to hear, video is of very poor quality.
- Very little effort.
Below Average (D)

- Attempted the use of media, but many parts are lacking in quality.
- Poor audio or video, or poorly formatted/organized.
- Weak effort is made.
Fair/Average (C)

- Overall, use of media is good/acceptable.
- Video is well-organized, sound and visuals are adequate.
- Some effort is made to produce a quality video/movie.
Above Average (B)

- Use of media is great.
- Video is well-organized, sound and visuals are strong.
- They add to the quality of the video instead of detract.
- Strong effort is made to produce a quality video/movie.
Outstanding (A)

- Use of media is outstanding!
- The video is well-organized, sound and visuals are strong.
- They add to the quality of the video instead of detract.
- The video is easy to understand and promotes deeper understanding of the topic.
- Outstanding effort is made to produce a quality video/movie.

  • science biology project high school



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