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iRubric: Personal Narrative rubric

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Personal Narrative 
Rubric Code: C2W5369
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Personal Narrative
  😎Above and Beyond

4 pts

😄 I can do this

3 pts

😉I can with do it with help

2 pts

😕 I don't get it yet

1 pts


😎Above and Beyond

*I wrote about a small moment in my life.
*I used very descriptive details to make my story appealing.
*My writing was very clear and concise.
*I didn't include any unnecessary information.
😄 I can do this

*I wrote about a small moment in my life.
*I used some descriptive details to make my story appealing.
*My writing was very clear.
*I limited the unnecessary information.
😉I can with do it with help

*I wrote about a small moment in my life.
*I used little descriptive details to make my story appealing.
*My writing was somewhat clear.
*I included some unnecessary information.
😕 I don't get it yet

*I wrote about a large moment.
*I didn't use descriptive details to make my story appealing.
*My writing was unclear.
*I included a lot of unnecessary information.

😎Above and Beyond

*I wrote 5+ paragraphs.
*I started a new paragraph with each new event.
*My events are in sequential order.
*Each paragraph has 5+ sentences of varying length.
*I used a good variety of transitions to move between events.
😄 I can do this

*I wrote 4-5 paragraphs.
*My events are in sequential order.
*Each paragraph has 3-5 sentences of varying length.
*I used transitions to move between events.
😉I can with do it with help

*I wrote 3 paragraphs.
*My events are mostly in sequential order.
*I used 2-3 sentences for each event.
*I used some transitions to move between events.
😕 I don't get it yet

*My writing runs together.
*My events are out of order.
*Some events have only 1 sentence.
*I did not use transitions to move between events.

😎Above and Beyond

*I indented the start of each new paragraph.
*I capitalized all sentences and proper nouns.
*I used appropriate punctuation when needed.
*I spelled all grade-level words correctly.
😄 I can do this

*I indented most of my paragraphs.
*I capitalized most sentences and proper nouns.
*I used appropriate punctuation in most places.
*I spelled most grade-level words correctly.
😉I can with do it with help

*I didn't indent the start of each new paragraph.
*I capitalized some sentences and proper nouns.
*I used some punctuation.
*I spelled some grade-level words correctly.
😕 I don't get it yet

*I did not capitalize sentences or proper nouns.
*I did not use punctuation correctly.
*I misspelled many grade-level words.



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