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Volleyball Skills Assessment 
A rubric testing 4 skills in volleyball: serve receive, serving, attacking, and blocking. Criteria are based upon varsity level skill. Administer 5 attempts for each skill, and assign each attempt a grade (poor/ fair/ good/ excellent).

Powered by iRubric Varsity Volleyball Tryout Rubric

1 pts

Poor / Needs Improvement

2 pts

Fair / Developing

3 pts


4 pts

Excellent /Advanced

5 pts

Total Score

(5 points in each skill)

25 pts

Underhand Passing



Cannot make contact with the ball.
Poor / Needs Improvement

Hands were apart, body in upright position, did not call, lift.
Fair / Developing

Weight on heels, elbows were bent, ball was playable for teammates, some control of ball.

Body in low athletic stance, weight on balls of feet, knees bent, called mine, hands together, ball went towards target, control of the ball.
Excellent /Advanced

Body in low athletic stance, weight on balls of feet, knees bent, called mine, hands together, ball went towards target, control of the ball, pass had a purpose.
Total Score
Overhead Passing



Cannot make contact with the ball.
Poor / Needs Improvement

Hands were apart, body not in athletic position, lift, no control of ball.
Fair / Developing

Made a triangle, hit ball off of palms (not fingers), some control of ball.

Body in athletic position, made a triangle for hands, called mine, weight on balls of feet, good follow through, control of ball to target.
Excellent /Advanced

Body in athletic position, made a triangle for hands, called mine, weight on balls of feet, good follow through, control of ball to target, pass could spiked, pass had a purpose.
Total Score



No contact is made with ball.
Poor / Needs Improvement

Contact is made with ball, foot work is incorrect.
Fair / Developing

Contact is made with ball, no approach was made.

Contact is made with ball in any manner, footwork is good, ball is hit into the court.
Excellent /Advanced

Footwork is correct, body weight is transferred correctly, arm pull back is low, contact with ball is high with an open hand, ball is hit into the court.
Total Score

Poor / Needs Improvement

- Player performs no per-serve routine.
- Player consistently errs (net violation or out of bounds).
- Serve has little to no velocity.
- Serve clears net by 10 + ft.
Fair / Developing

- Player performs per-serve routine sparingly.
- Player can serve the ball in play, but with little zone discretion.
- Serve has some velocity, but not suitable for aces at the var. level.
- Serve clears net between 9-6 ft.

- Player performs a per-serve routine all the time.
- Player can consistently serve in play and sometimes to the desired zone.
- Serve has velocity and can challenge var. level serve receive passing.
- Serve clears net between 6-3 ft.
Excellent /Advanced

- Player performs the same per-serve routine, every-time.
- Player can consistently serve in play and to the desired zone.
- Serve has great deal of velocity and can potentially disrupt var level serve receive patterns.
- Serve clears net by less than 3 ft.
Total Score
Serve Receive

Poor / Needs Improvement

- Balance prior to serve is on heels.
- Palms facing down.
- Vertical stance with no bend at knees, no depth in hips, bent platform.
- No effort to dive when necessary.
- "0" option pass.
Fair / Developing

- Balance is forward before serve, but on heels.
- Palms up.
- Platform close to body instead of extended in front of knees.
- Player's "ready" position to pass has player's head at bottom-net level.
- "1" option pass.

- Palms up, platform straight and in front of knees.
- Balance is primarily on toes, but player may finish the pass on heels.
- Player is slightly below bottom-net level when ready to pass.
- "2" option pass.
Excellent /Advanced

- Palms up, platform straight and extended in front of body.
- Balance is on toes, out in front of knees.
- Knees are almost 90 degrees, hips are strong.
- Player is clearly ready-to pass below the bottom-net level.
- "3" option pass.
Total Score
Volleyball IQ

Poor / Needs Improvement

-player knows none of the areas of the court.
-player is unable to process coaches/teammates instruction and apply to the game.
-player does not understand schemes and or positions in which they are told to be at.
Fair / Developing

- player knows 1/3 of the court areas.
- player 1/3 of the time can process information from coaches and/or teammates and apply that knowledge to e game.
-player 1/3 of the time understands schemes and/or positions in which they are told to be at.

-player knows 2/3 of the volleyball areas/positions.
- player 2/3 of the time can process what the coach/teammates tell them to do and apply that to the game.
-player 2/3 of the time understands schemes and/or positions in which they are told to be at.
Excellent /Advanced

-player knows all areas of the court.
-player applies what their coaches/teammates tell them to do every time.
-players understand all schemes and/or positions which they are told to be in.
Total Score
Enter Title

Poor / Needs Improvement
Fair / Developing
Excellent /Advanced
Total Score
Total Score

(5 points in each skill)

Poor / Needs Improvement
Fair / Developing
Excellent /Advanced
Total Score

  • Varsity Volleyball Tryout Rubric


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