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iRubric: Self-Study Writing Project rubric

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Self-Study Writing Project 
Use the planning template to write a mission statement and “big rock” objectives that will be developed throughout your course. This purpose of this assignment is for you to establish your priorities for the year. This work will lay the foundation for next year’s “awesome common-core aligned” course that you can share with colleagues, students and parents.
Rubric Code: BXW6CXA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Self-study CCSS Writing Project

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts



The writing –
-makes effective use of available resources
-effectively uses relevant and sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
-effectively uses credible sources where applicable

The writing –
-makes adequate use of available resources
-uses relevant and sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
uses credible sources where applicable

The writing –
-makes limited use of available resources
-inconsistently uses relevant and sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
-inconsistently uses credible sources where applicable


The writing –
? addresses all aspects of the writing task with a tightly focused and detailed response
? develops the topic skillfully and thoroughly using the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic

The writing –
-addresses the writing task with a focused response
-develops the topic thoroughly using the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic

The writing –
-addresses the writing task with an inconsistent focus
-inconsistently develops the topic using the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic
Language Conventions


The writing –
-demonstrates an exemplary command of standard English conventions
-skillfully employs language and tone appropriate to audience and purpose
-has sentences that are skillfully constructed with appropriate variety in length and structure
-follows standard format for citation with few errors where applicable

The writing –
-demonstrates a command of standard English conventions; errors do not interfere with understanding
-employs language and tone appropriate to audience and purpose
-has sentences that are generally complete with sufficient variety in length and structure
-follows standard format for citation with few errors*

The writing –
-demonstrates a limited and/or inconsistent command of standard English conventions; errors may interfere with understanding
-inconsistently employs language and tone appropriate to audience and purpose
-has some sentence formation errors and/or a lack of sentence variety
-follows standard format for citation with several errors*



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