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iRubric: Genius Hour Thinking Skills rubric

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Genius Hour Thinking Skills 
Creative thinking is: the capacity to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways the experience of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way characterized by a high degree of innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking. -- Association of American Colleges and Universities
Rubric Code: BXCB2AA
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Creative Thinking
The capacity to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways
the experience of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way characterized by a high degree of innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Fluency - Brainstorming

Brainstorming -- How many ideas does the student come up with?


The student can usually think of many new ideas with or without specific guidelines.

Given guidelines, the student can usually think of several ideas.

If someone helps the student, the student can think of some ideas.

The student appears to find it difficult to think of new ideas, even when asked to do so.
Fluency - Possible Solutions

Generating Possible Solutions --
How many ideas does the student come up with?


The student generates several possible solutions or approaches to a problem or project. The student evaluates them using criteria of practicality, efficiency, and elegance to choose the best solution.

Not only does the student develop a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem, but the student recognizes the consequences of the solution and can articulate reasons for choosing that solution.

The student generates a few solutions to a problem or project. The student sometimes evaluates them using a variety of criteria to choose the best solution or approach.

Having selected from among alternatives, the student develops a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem.

The student tries to think of more than one possible solution or approach to a problem or project.

The student considers and rejects less acceptable approaches to solving problems.

The student does not think about various possible solutions or approaches to a problem or project. The student thinks of one solution or approach, and starts to work on the problem or project.

Taking Different Viewpoints /
Approaching Problems in Different Ways --
How many areas do the student’s ideas/responses cover? (How different are the ideas from each other?)


The student looks at situations and processes from a variety of viewpoints in order to identify problems.

The student thinks about a problem from a few perspectives before trying to work on it.

With help from others, the student thinks about a problem from more than one perspective before the student tries to work on it.

The student only thinks about a problem from one view point.

Novelty or Uniqueness of Ideas, Form, Response --
How uncommon/ unique/ clever /original are the student’s ideas/responses?


The student extends a novel or unique idea, form, product, or solution to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries.

The student’s work may successfully break rules and conventions, or use common materials in a new, clever, and surprising way.

The student create novel or unique ideas, forms, products, or solutions.

The student’s work is unique, surprising, and shows a personal touch.

The student experiment s with creating novel or unique ideas, forms, products, or solutions

The student formulates ideas or improvements, but their ideas are predictable or conventional.

The student tries to step outside the rules and conventions, or to find new uses for common materials or ideas.

The student reformulates a collection of available ideas.

The student relies on existing examples, models, ideas, or directions.

The student follows rules and conventions.

The student uses materials and ideas in typical ways.

Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming --
How detailed and well-developed are the student’s ideas/responses?


The student’s ideas/ solutions / responses are extremely well-developed and detailed.

The student expands, develops, and embellishes ideas by adding details and making changes to the original ideas.

With some assistance, the student can expand, develop, and embellish ideas.

The student appears to find it difficult to add detail, expand, or embellish ideas.
Risk-Taking 1

Dealing with Fears of Embarrassment or Rejection --
How willing does the student appear to be to risk embarrassment or rejection with their work?


The student seeks out new experiences/ approaches without worrying about what others think of them or whether they’ll make mistakes.

The student tries new experiences/approaches without worrying too much about making mistakes or what others will think of them.

Sometimes, the student avoids experiences that they know will be difficult, that they’ll make mistakes in, or others will think down on them for doing.

The student appears to avoid experiences/ approaches they think they won't be good at, or that others will look down on them for doing.
Risk-Taking 2

Going beyond the original parameters of the assignment, introducing new materials and forms, tackling controversial topics, advocating unpopular ideas or solutions --
How willing does the students appear to be to risk failure in successfully completing assignments?


The student actively seeks out and follows through on untested and potentially risky directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product.

The student incorporates new directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product.

The student considers new directions or approaches without going beyond the guidelines of the assignment.

The student stays strictly within the guidelines of the assignment.

  • creativity, creative thinking, fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, risk-taking


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