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iRubric: Monologue Performance rubric

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Monologue Performance 
Rubric Code: BX3873
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Monologue Performance

10 pts

Above Average

8 pts


6 pts

Below Average

4 pts


2 pts



Student was clearly heard with no straining to hear. Projection made an impact on the performance. Projection was a result of methodical training.
Above Average

Performer was heard well.

Some aspects of the performance were lost due to low volume at a time or two.
Below Average

Some difficulty hearing the actor throughout the scene.

Difficulty hearing actor, due to inexperience or other factors.


Effortless speaking. Student sounded natural and the lines were well integrated in the performance. All words were pronounced correctly and sounded natural and mature.
Above Average

Very clean and clear diction. All words understood. Did not detract from the performance. All words pronounced correctly. Practice was evident.

Some words were not understood clearly. There were only a few inaccurate pronunciations.
Below Average

Some difficulty understanding a few words. There were mispronunciations. Student rushed phrases, hurting diction.

Difficulty understanding all that was said; missed portions of the performance. There were many inaccurate pronunciations.


Student used a wonderful variety in pitch. Inflection added to the understanding of the monologue and the tone of voice equaled the demands of the monologue. It was a very natural and mature delivery.
Above Average

The student used a variety in pitch. Inflection aided the understanding of the monologue and the tone of voice was appropriate. Showed some sophistication in delivery.

There was a variety in the student’s pitch. Inflection was interesting and added to the purpose of the monologue. Phrasing was accurate.
Below Average

There were few changes in pitch. Some inflections were wrong or inappropriate. Tone of voice may also have been inappropriate. Student may have obviously breathed during a sentence.

There was little variety in pitch. There was little change in inflection and at times the student sounded monotone. The tone of voice was wrong for the monologue.


Timing was very natural, with a well-seasoned sense of the monologue’s energy highs and lows. Student spoke in a very natural way. Student used pauses effectively. There were interesting changes in the student’s rate of speech. The pace was successful and showed originality.
Above Average

There was a good sense of timing for the nature of the monologue, humorous or serious. Some interesting pauses and changes in rate were used. The monologue had variety in its speed. The speed was appropriate for the material.

Sometimes speech was choppy or didn’t seem natural. Some attempt at using pauses. There may have been a change in rate. The rate may not have been appropriate to the material.
Below Average

Often the monologue was choppy or did not seem natural. There may not have been any change in rate. There were a pause or two that were effective. The student rushed through phrases, hurting diction.

The student had an inappropriate rate for the material, or the student may have had too many pregnant pauses some caused by memory lapses. There may not have been any change in rate. There may not have been any use of pauses.


Student was believable in creating a distinct personality on stage. The performance had a natural focus of who the character was speaking to. The character’s speeches were believably motivated. The character seemed to be listening and reacting to the situation. The monologue showed a great stretch of the actor’s abilities. Eye contact with their imagined environment was present. The student showed sophistication in creating this character.
Above Average

Student demonstrated a good ability in creating a character on stage. The performance had a definite focus and variety in eye contact was effective. The monologue seemed motivated. The student seemed to be reacting to the situation.

Some of the performance was a bit uneven. Some dull or flat moments were present overall. The monologue was motivated. The student reacted to imagined situations sometimes.
Below Average

Some difficulty seeing a developed character. Contained several flat or unmotivated movements. Substituted volume for intensity. The student did not have a clear focus of who they were talking to or why. Little variety in eye contact was used to indicate their identified listener(s).

Difficult to see what characters was being performed on stage. Student even broke character and laughed or behaved inappropriately for the character. The student did not show that they knew who they were talking to and why.
Dramatic Flow


The monologue flowed well to a climax. The student understood the character’s objective and played the monologue with a clear purpose. The monologue’s thoughts seemed to follow each other effortlessly. The monologue had a clear beginning, middle and end. The student seemed well rehearsed, confident and prepared. The climax of the monologue had an impact on the audience.
Above Average

The performance communicated all the ideas well and the speech was motivated and made sense. Rehearsal and preparation were evident in the performance. The student played the objective of their character clearly. The monologue had a climax.

Overall, the performance communicated the ideas, but there were some unmotivated breaks in the flow of the speech. Some preparation and rehearsal was evident. The student tried to play the character’s objective. May even have found the climax. May have substituted volume for intensity.
Below Average

There were several instances of unclear ideas or unmotivated speech. Student’s preparation and rehearsal were not adequate for the performance. There were problems in memorization. Some memory lapses. The student did not effectively play the character’s objective and may not have found the climax.

There may have been increasing difficulty in remembering the ideas of the monologue. The monologue may have seemed disjointed. Preparation and rehearsal were not evident. The actor did not play the objective or find the climax.


Movement flowed effortlessly. Many levels were used. There was good visual variety and the movement kept your attention without detracting from it. The actor used natural and effective stage business. Gestures naturally and effectively supported the ideas in the monologue.
Above Average

Movement worked well and was interesting. Business and gestures supported the actor’s ideas effectively. Motivation for movement was clear and well executed.

Movement was interesting, but had some moments that were flat or uninteresting. Some gestures seemed out of place, some business was unmotivated.
Below Average

Overall, the movement was logical, but needed either more or less movement. Gestures were unnatural. There may not have been any stage business or movement that supported the ideas of the monologue.

Little or no movement or unmotivated movement. There may not have been any business or gestures that supported any ideas of the monologue. Gestures may have been inappropriate, unnatural or nervous.


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