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Latin 6: Short Writing Assessment 2 

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How well do I complete this assignment?

5 pts


4 pts

Satis Bene

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Re Infecta

0 pts

Content & Comprehensibility
25 pts

Did I appropriately respond to the prompt? Can I be understood?


(b) My writing is easily understandable with few or minor grammar errors.

My writing can be understood with little difficulty; I have minor spelling and grammar errors
Satis Bene

(b) My writing can be understood with some difficulty due to mistakes in grammar and syntax.

(b) It is difficult to understand
my writing due to grammar and syntax errors in endings and agreement
(b) Incorrectly uses a Latin colloquialism by either:
i. remembering/writing the phrase incorrectly
ii. using the phrase in an inappropriate context.

(a) Uses L1
(b) Uses incomplete phrases that are difficult to understand
(c) makes little to no effort to relate to the topic
(a) No cultural references (if appropriate for the task).
(b) Does not use a native-like colloquialism/idiom where one would have been appropriate.
Re Infecta

Did not attempt.
15 pts

Am I appropriately using a variety of previous and current vocabulary words?


I use learned words from all speech groups and a variety of phrases on familiar topics
My vocabulary is diverse and appropriate
to the topic

I use vocabulary words and phrases appropriately

I lack diversity in my word choices and phrase types
Satis Bene

I use a small number of memorized words and phrases that are repetitive
I rely on basic nouns and verbs with few modifiers

I use a few words or none at all in Latin;
I used English primarily
Re Infecta

Did not attempt.
Grammar & Mechanics
5 pts

How do I use the language? Do I use complete and understandable sentences? Do I use words and forms in the correct context?


I not only give the basic information grammatically I also add some details

I use some variety in time frames, sentence structure or complexity

I provide important basic information

I show that I can implement basic target language structures like subjects and direct objects
Satis Bene

I use a few memorized sentence formats to give some basic information in paragraph form

My syntax shows problems with basic language structures

I give little or no information in Latin;

My sentence structure and syntax is incorrect because I didn't use proper endings or agreement
Re Infecta

Did not attempt.
Did I fulfill the task requirements? Did I challenge myself

5 pts

4 pts

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts

0 pts

Complexity (A/B Form)
5 pts

Did I fulfill the task requirements? Did I challenge myself?

5 ( x 5 pts)

Completed Section B. Wrote 4+ sentences. Sentences show grammatical complexity.
4 ( x 5 pts)

Completed Section B. Wrote 2-3 sentences.
3 ( x 5 pts)

Completed Section B. Wrote 1-2 sentences.
I can use simple sentence but more complex structures are incomplete or absent.
2 ( x 5 pts)

Attempted/Completed Section B. Primarily used words/phrases and not complete sentences.
1 ( x 5 pts)

Attempted Section B.
0 ( x 5 pts)

Completed Section A.
Complexity (Free Write Form)

Did I fulfill the task requirements? Did I challenge myself?

5 ( x pts)

Wrote 4+ sentences. Sentences show grammatical complexity.
I can create a variety of sentence structures with connectors; I can approximate Latin word order.
4 ( x pts)

Wrote 3 complete sentences.
I can create simple and possibly compound sentences; I use mostly English word order
3 ( x pts)

Wrote 2 complete sentences.
I can use simple sentence but more complex structures are incomplete or absent.
2 ( x pts)

Wrote 1 complete sentence.
1 ( x pts)

Primarily used words/phrases and not complete sentences.
0 ( x pts)

Did not attempt.


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