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iRubric: My Hero Opinion Piece rubric

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My Hero Opinion Piece 
An opinion piece that is supported by evidence on your selected Hero. This is the final stage of the writing process: graphic organizer, first draft, and a completed editing checklist should have also been completed for this assignment.
Rubric Code: B24B98W
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric My Hero Opinion Piece
  Level 4

3 pts

Level 3

2 pts

Level 2

1 pts

Level 1

0 pts


Level 4

Title makes the reader think.
Level 3

The title reflects the topic.
Level 2

The title is somewhat related to the the topic.
Level 1

The title is mostly unrelated to the topic or there is no title.

Level 4

Introduction of the the topic and your opinions are very clear and concise. Provides relevant background of the subject.
Level 3

Introduction of the the topic and your opinion are mostly clear and concise. Provides some relevant background of the subject.
Level 2

Introduction of the the topic and your opinion are unclear and choppy. Provides no relevant background of the subject.
Level 1

Introduction of the topic but not your personal opinion. NO background of the subject. There is not a completed introduction.
Main body

2-3 reasons

Level 4

Gave three or more reasons for your opinion on your topic. Clear topic sentences supported by at least three details or examples.

Used three or more transitions in each paragraph.
Level 3

Gave at least two reasons for your opinion on the topic. Somewhat clear topic sentence supported with 2-3 examples or details. Used two transitions in each paragraph.
Level 2

Gave a reason for your opinion on the topic with one reason and no examples. Used one transition in each paragraph.
Level 1

Does not give a clear opinion and doesn't support viewpoint with relevant reasons. Uses one or two transitions within the three paragraphs. or NO Viewpoint given.
No transitions used.

Level 4

Summarized and restated opinion and topic using rich vocabulary. Gave a clear call to action.
Level 3

Summarized and restated opinion and topic using basic vocabulary. Gave a basic call to action.
Level 2

Provided a basic summary of topic but included no summary of opinion or call to action.
Level 1

Provided an unclear summary of topic and included no summary of opinion or call to action or no summary.

Level 4

One to three errors in spelling, grammar, puncuation, or capitalization. You could have checked a bit closer.
Level 3

Four to six errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, or puncuation. Don't be afraid to double check your work and consult a dictionary.
Level 2

Seven to nine errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, or puncuation that really distract from the content of the paper. Take your time.
Level 1

Ten or more errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, or puncuation that really distract from the content of the paper. Take your time.

  • opinion , character ,view point



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