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iRubric: Note-taking Skills rubric

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Note-taking Skills 
Generalized rubric to cover note-taking skills during (lectures, video, audio, or directly from the classroom board) to be used when completing notes over topics covered in Humanities. May be either particular types of entries or student choice, depending on the occasion.
Rubric Code: AXCA8A2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Humanities  
Type: Class note  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Note Taking Skills
BLT 1: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
  Clearly & Independently

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Insufficient Evidence

0 pts


Does it make sense? Can I follow it?

Clearly & Independently

ALL notes have a clear format and effective form (for review & study), with main ideas and supporting information logically placed on page.

ALL notes are neat/legible to make them beneficial for study. (alone /partner).

MORE THAN HALF of notes have a clear format/effective form (study), with main ideas and supporting info generally in logical place.
MOST notes are neat and legible to make them beneficial for study (alone/partner), BUT some points are messy, illegible, or unclear.

LESS THAN HALF of notes follow a clear format and effective form (for review and study), demonstrates 1-2 main ideas with some supporting details on page.
Notes partly messy and illegible or not organized clearly, making them ineffective as a study tool.
Insufficient Evidence

Missing or more than half incomplete.
Main Ideas

Key ingredients with essential spices

Clearly & Independently

Included all of the important ideas presented in the text features. Notes clearly contain "main idea" concepts followed by supporting details and/or explanation.

Notes are missing a few "main ideas" OR all ideas do not contain supporting details and/or explanation.

Notes are missing many main ideas OR are missing many supporting details and/or explanation.
Insufficient Evidence

Missing or more than half incomplete.
Keywords vs. Copying

synthesized = make the ideas your own; take info in, offer key ideas simply

Clearly & Independently

Notes recorded as simple and significant keywords and phrases that clearly evoke the topics covered. All of notes are synthesized.

Notes are primarily copied from the source. Some evidence of keywords and phrases. Most info. not clearly synthesized.

Notes are copied from the source. Information not synthesized.
Insufficient Evidence

Missing or more than half incomplete.
Marking Notes to Study

Jumping back in!

Clearly & Independently

Colors, symbols, marks, folds are used in a way that makes the key ideas more clear making studying more efficient for themselves or others, demonstrating a return to the notes after completion to clarify and review information.

Some parts of the notes have colors, symbols, or marks to make the key ideas more clear, demonstrating going back into completed notes to clarify information.

Little or no colors, symbols, or marks are used to go back into notes after the original notes were taken to clarify information.
Insufficient Evidence

Missing or more than half incomplete.

  • notes, note-taking,


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