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iRubric: Clinical Evaluation Rubric

iRubric: Clinical Evaluation Rubric

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Clinical Evaluation Rubric 
Clinical Evaluation of student performance of resident care in a Nursing Home. Students are required to perform patient care ADL's, and use critical thinking skills while working in the clinical setting. Work Ethic, Communication, Attendance/Tardiness/Safety/ Indirect Care Measures are evaluated.
Rubric Code: A53245
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Public Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Clinical Rubric

4 pts


3 pts

Below Average

2 pts


1 pts

Dress Code

Uniform neat and clean, white shoes, watch, post earring, no piercing jewelry, hair neat and pulled back, short nails-


Uniform is in compliance with expected components

1 component of clinical uniform missing.
Below Average

2 or more components of clinical uniform missing.

Frank violation of clinical dress code.

Must attend 75 hours of clinical instruction
Clincal starts at 7:35, students expected on bus and ready to be transported


Perfect Attendance, and no tardy

1 missed clinical day (UA)
1 Tardy
Below Average

2 missed clinical days (UA)
2 Tardy

3or more missed clinical(UA)
3 Tardy
Electronic Devices

Use of electronic devices is prohibited.


Student compliant with following electonic devices policy and procedure

Warning 1
No Points
Below Average

Warning 2
No Points

Warning 3
No Points
Work Ethic

Assignment completed, focused, professional behavior


All components met.

Student observed/reported not staying on task OR incompletion of 1 assigned duty.
Below Average

2 assigned duties found incomplete OR 2 times observed not staying on task. Instructor needs to monitor student work frequently with some reminders to complete task

Poor work ethic/not staying on task/duties not completed. Instructor needs to constantly monitor student work assignment.
Demonstrate professional behavior

Professional Behavior:
Positive Attitude
Good Communication Skills
Courtesy to patients, staff, peers, instructor
Appropriate Behavior


All components of professional behavior are met.

1 component missing.
Instructor reminds student of behavior, student corrects problem.
Below Average

Multiple components missing. Instructor needs to make frequent reminders to student about behavior. Student not always following instruction, has attitude and not always on task.

Unprofessional behavior, lack of communication skills, and/or poor attitude.
Disrespect to instructor, staff, peers, and resident.
Student negative, insubordinate to instructor.
Clinical Preparation

Focused and on task, pencil,pad of paper, assignment sheet,


Student checks CNA assignment schedule, prepares and organizes own data sheet of assignments, identifies CNA/Nurse in assigned area. Documents assigned duties for shift.

1 component of clinical preparation assignment missing.
Below Average

2 or more components of clinical preparation assignment missing.

Compentency of skills

Resident ADL care performed with 100% accuracy


Student is able to perform resident ADL care with 100% proficiency. No assistance is needed by instructor. Student demonstrates confidence in performance of skills.

Student is able to perform resident ADL care with 75% accuracy, has questions prior to performance. Student is a little hesitant to perform skills, but does have confidence in their abilities.
Below Average

Student is able to perform resident ADL care with 50% accuracy, unsure of the exact steps, apprehensive and anxious. Instructor needs to assist student with some of the skill. Student hesitant with performing skill, needs to develop confidence.

Student is able to perform resident ADL care with 25% accuracy, unsure of skill performance, lacks confidence to perform skills. Instructor needs to be in constant supervision of student.
Indirect Care Measures

Indirect Care Measures
Measures includes: Infection Control
Resident Rights
Comfort Measures


Student performs ADL's with 100% confidence, and includes all of the Indirect Measures.

75% compliant with including indirect care measures in resident care
Below Average

50% compliant with including meaures in resident care. Instructor needs to monitor student performance of skills to make sure all measures have been addressed. Instructor assists student with recalling measures.

25% compliant with including measures in resident care. Instructor needs to constantly supervise student on a 1:1 basis. Instructor to reinforce teaching of measures.
Communication Skills

Interacts appropriately with staff, residents, instructor.Reports abnormal findings to instructor. Maintains HIPAA and Confidential information.


Interacts appropriately with staff,resident, instructor, peers.
Observations reported to both staff and instructor
Excellent Communication skills.
Compliant with HIPPA and Confidentiality of Resident's information

50% time interacts appropriately with staff, resident, instructor. May report incidental abnormal findings.
Does not always express needs, sometimes will ask questions prior to performing task. Not alwaysHIPAA/Confidential with information.
Below Average

25% time interacts appropriately with staff, resident, classmates, instructor. Does not report any abnormal findings. Clearly not expressing needs and rarely will ask questions, even if unsure with performing task. HIPAA and Confidential information not respected.

No interaction with staff,classmates, or resident. Does not communicate needs to instructor. Does not ask questions with performing tasks if unsure. HIPAA and Confidential information not at all respected.
Rules and Safety

Follows rules of Nursing facility;HIPAA<BR>
Ensures safety for resident; makes good judgements in safe handling of resident and their belongings


Follows all rules and guidelines at all times
Students asks instuctor prior to performing task if unsure how to perform. Maintains confidentiality of resident's information per HIPAA guidelines.

One violation of safety/rule guidelines.
Below Average

Two violations of safety /rule guidelines. Student's judgement at times questionable, but not to degree of a potential injury. Instructor to monitor students care, review safety and rules with student.

Violation of safety and/or confidentiality guidelines and rules.
Student performs tasks in unsafe manner. Instructor must supervise student while performing ADL care.
Poor judgement, potential for injury to both student and resident

  • Nursing Assistant Daily Clinical Evaluation

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