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iRubric: Senior Seminar Final Paper rubric

iRubric: Senior Seminar Final Paper rubric

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Senior Seminar Final Paper 
Criteria and levels for assessing and grading final Senior Seminar paper
Rubric Code: A2CB4A
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Subject: Psychology  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Senior Seminar Final Paper
Criteria and levels for assessing and grading final Senior Seminar paper

Paper poorly written, with many errors. Does not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. F

0 pts


Meets the minimum requirements of the assignment, but does not demonstrate a strong understanding of the material or expectations for a writing assignment at this level. D

6 pts


Adequately written, but does not meet many or most of the expectations for a writing assignment at this level. C

7 pts


Well written, well organized paper, meeting all or most expectations for a writing assignment at this level. B

8 pts

Very Good

Well written, well organized paper, exceeding most expectations for a writing assignment at this level. B+/A-

9 pts


Well written, well organized paper, exceeding all expectations for a writing assignment at this level.Could be considered for publication in a scholarly journal with additional information or editing. A

10 pts


Well written, well organized paper, far exceeding all expectations for a writing assignment at this level. Worthy of publication in a scholarly journal.

11 pts


Clearness of expression; the quality of being clearly expressed; lucidity; precision; not ambiguous


Written expression not understandable or barely intelligible.
Paper would have to be entirely rewritten.

Concepts poorly explained; writing shows marginal understanding of the research or conclusions. Concepts and terms are ambiguous and lack precision.

Meets standards of acceptable writing; ideas are expressed adequately, although could benefit from examples, more detail, or further explanation.

Ideas and concepts are clearly explained for the most part with some relevant examples and illustrations.
Very Good

Ideas and concepts are clearly explained, with some relevant examples and illustrations.

Ideas and concepts are clearly explained, with several relevant examples and illustrations.

Ideas and concepts are clearly explained, with relevant examples and illustrations.

The act or process of examining two or more things in order to discover similarities and differences between them


No comparisons.

Very few comparisons or comparisons incomplete (comparison between 2 articles in a subtopic but not with others or no comparisons in one subtopic)

Few comparisons or incomplete comparisons.
Comparisons in all subtopics, but not across all articles in one or more subtopics.

Incomplete comparisons. Comparisons of most but not all articles across all subtopics.
Very Good

Comparisons complete across all articles within a subtopic and across all subtopics.

Comparisons complete across all articles within a subtopic and across all subtopics. Some comparisons between subtopic findings.

Complete comparisons across all articles within a subtopic, across all stubtopics, and between all subtopics.

The decision made or opinion formed after considering the relevant facts or evidence.


No conclusions.

Conclusions are the writer's opinions and not discernable at all from the evidence presented.

Conclusions are not clearly directly discernable from evidence or are mainly opinions.

Conclusions are directly discernable from evidence, although they may contain some opinions.
Very Good

Conclusions are directly discernable from evidence bt are fairly obvious (i.e., mentioned in one or more of the research articles).

Conclusions are discernable from evidence, and most conclusions are not obvious (i.e., mentioned in one or more of the research articles.)

Conclusions are well considered and directly discernable from the evidence provided in the paper.
Depth of Analysis

How rigorous and complex the examination of the material is.


No analysis.

Very little analysis.

Superficial analysis with little effort displayed to think beyond what was presented in the research articles.

Good analysis of more than half of the material presented in the research paper.
Very Good

Good/excellent analysis of most but not all of the material presented in the research paper.

Excellent analysis of all of the material presented in the research paper.

Excellent analysis of all of the material presented in the research paper, displaying a rich comprehension of the subject matter.

The main emphasis of a particular effort; the area of concern; a concentrated and unified quality.


No focus or virtually no focus. Topic is too broad.

Topic is adequately defined, but subtopics too loosely associated to make meaningful comparisons.

Topic is adequately defined. Subtopics are adequately defined and related.

Topic is well defined with subtopics that are well defined and related, but not particularly novel or innovative.
Very Good

Topic is well defined. Subtopics are well defined and at least one is novel or innovative.

Topic is well defined.
Subtopics are well defined and at least two are novel or innovative.

Topic is well defined and novel and innovative, as are all three of the subtopics.

The effectiveness of the arrangement of separate components in a coherent whole.


The document is not organized. Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts. The document is difficult to follow.

The paper is poorly organized and difficult to follow. Introduction is missing or incomplete. Paragraph transitions need improvement. Supporting sentences are wordy or repetitive.

The paper's organization is adequate. There is an introduction that is mostly complete. Transitions between paragraphs and subtopics can be followed, could be improved. Supportive sentences are wordy or repetitive.

The structure of the paper is clear. Introduction is complete and previews major points. Supporting sentences are clear and concise, but may need more attention to purpose.
Very Good

The structure of the paper is clear. Introduction is complete and previews major points. Supporting sentences are clear and concise. Paragraph and subtopic transitions are clear and logical.

The structure of the paper is clear. Introduction is complete and previews major points. Supporting sentences are clear and concise. Paragraph and subtopic transitions are clear and logical. There is a general summary at the end of each subtopic.

The structure of the paper is clear. Introduction is complete and previews major points. Supporting sentences are clear and concise. Paragraph and subtopic transitions are clear and logical. There is a general summary at the end of each subtopic. The conclusions at the end of each subtopic are logically derived. There is an overall concluding paragraph or section to the paper that is logically derived from the evidence presented.

The work or planning involved in making something or somebody ready or in putting something together in advance; something done in advance in order to be ready for a future event or product.


The finished product shows little or no evidence or adequate preparation for a paper at this level.

The paper is poorly presented (no cover, supporting documents not included with final paper).

The paper shows adequate, but not careful, preparation. Supporting documents may be included, but are not organized in a coherent manner. Some supporting documents may be missing.

The finished product shows careful preparation. Supporting documents are organized in a logical manner and are all present. Some or all of the supporting documents may contain highlighting and/or notes in the margins.
Very Good

The finished product shows careful preparation. Supporting documents are organized in a logical manner and are all present. Some of the supporting documents may contain highlighting and/or notes in the margins. Copies of notecards may be included with supporting documentation.

The finished product shows careful preparation. Supporting documents are organized in a logical manner and are all present. All of the supporting documents are "clean" copies, with no highlighting or notes in the margins. Copies of notecards may be included with supporting documentation.

The finished product shows meticulous preparation. Supporting documents are organized in a logical manner and are all present. All of the supporting documents are "clean" copies, with no highlighting or notes in the margins. Copies of notecards and drafts of the final paper are included with supporting documentation.

The process of combining various components (ideas, influences or objects) into a new whole.


Final paper does not include any synthesis of material or ideas. There is no evidence of critical thinking.

Final paper shows only minimal synthesis of ideas, with little or no evidence of critical thinking. The writer may simply mention points with no effort to tie related ideas together or analyze information.

There is synthesis of ideas, but little or no critical thinking. The writer does not look beyond the obvious in the final paper, or makes erroneous inferences from the material included in the final paper.

There is good synthesis of concepts and ideas, with some evidence of critical thinking. Comments may be tentative or may lack depth.
Very Good

There is good synthesis of concepts and ideas, with good evidence of critical thinking. Comments show a good understanding of the material.

Synthesis of idas is excellent with evidence of good critical thinking. Comments show an excellent understanding of the material and raise relevant questions.

Synthesis of idas is excellent with evidence of good critical thinking. Comments show an excellent understanding of the material and raise relevant questions. Final paper has heuristic value.
APA Style

Use of guidelines as recommended in APA Manual.


Paper lacks many or most elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings. Paper appears to have been written simply to satisfy page requirement. Writer does not know and has not read or sought out help in using APA style.

Paper lacks many elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings. Paper appears to have been written simply to satisfy page requirement. Writer does not know and has not read or sought out help in using APA style.

Paper includes many or most elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings, but has many errors. Writer has only a rudimentary understanding of APA style and seems not to have sought help in acquiring a better level of understanding and application.

Paper includes many or most elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings, but has some errors. Formatting is at least 50% accurate.
Very Good

Paper includes most elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings, but has a few errors. Formatting is at least 75% accurate.

Paper includes most or all elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings, but has only occasional errors. Formatting is mostly accurate.

Paper includes all elements of correct APA formatting such as citations, title page, abstract, references, page numbers, and headings, with no errors.
Grammar and Punctuation

Use of standard English.


Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Language uses jargon and conversational tone.

Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Language uses jargon or conversational tone.

Paper contains some grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Language uses jargon conversational tone, passive voice, and/or sexist language.

Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Language includes the use of some jargon, passive voice, conversational tone, or sexist language.
Very Good

Paper contains very few grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Language includes some use of some jargon, passive voice, conversational tone, or sexist language.

Paper contains no grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Language includes some use of some jargon, passive voice, conversational tone, or sexist language.

Paper contains no grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Language does not include use of jargon, passive voice, conversational tone, or sexist language.

  • Senior Seminar



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