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iRubric: Aesop's Fable Project Rubric

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Aesop's Fable Project Rubric 
Be sure to use this rubric to ensure that you get the highest score possible for your project.
Rubric Code: A2BW9X
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Aesop's Fables

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

Below Average

1 pts



Students have shown unique creativity in updating their fables. They have made the situations and scenarios more modern, while keeping the moral of each story intact. Their new fables are clear and understandable.

Students have shown a good amount of creativity in updating their fables. They have made the situations somewhat modern, while keeping the moral of the story intact. Their new fables are mostly clear but have started to become a little confusing.

Students have shown some creativity in updating their fables. They have made the situations a little modern, while keeping the moral of the story somewhat intact. Their new fables are confusing and it has become hard to make the connection between the fable and the moral.
Below Average

Students have shown very little creativity in updating their fables. They have attempted to make the situations more modern but they have not changed much at all. They have not kept the moral intact. Their new fables are confusing and it has become hard to make the connection between the fable and the moral.


Students have found a creative and very colorful way to display their traditional and updated fables. They have grabbed their viewer's attention by making a poster that is both neat and exciting.

Students have found a somewhat creative and mostly colorful way to display their traditional and updated fables. They have started to grab their viewer's attention by making a poster that is neat and somewhat exciting exciting.

Students have used very little color and creativity to display their traditional and updated fables. They have barely grabbed their viewer's attention by making a poster that is somewhat sloppy and not very exciting.
Below Average

Students have used little to no color and creativity to display their traditional and updated fables. They have not grabbed their viewer's attention by making a poster that is sloppy and not very exciting


Students did not simply read off their poster and gave a very professional presentation in which they spoke to their classmates in a concise and well practiced presentation.

Students read very little from their poster and gave a professional presention which they spoke mainly to their classmates in a concise and practiced presentation.

Students read about half of their presentation from their poster. They gave a somewhat professional presentation that began to drag a little because they did not address their classmates the entire time.
Below Average

Students simply read off of their poster. They obviously did not practice or put any time into their presentation. Their classmates appeared bored an inattentative due to the poor presentation.



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