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iRubric: Formal Email Rubric

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Formal Email Rubric 
Formal email to the council. U2. Write an email to the council.
Rubric Code: A24BAB9
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5, 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Formal Email Rubric

2 pts


1.5 pts

Needs Improvement

0.6 pts

Try Again

0.5 pts

Format (All parts of an email)


Format is in the correct correct and complete:
subject line, greeting,
body, closure and signature.

One part of the format is incorrect or missing (subject line, greeting, body, and closure / signature)
Needs Improvement

Two parts of the format are incorrect or missing (subject line, greeting, body, and closure / signature)
Try Again

Several parts (3 or more) of the format are incorrect or missing (subject line, greeting, body, and closure / signature)


The greeting is the perfect level of formality for the person being addressed;
is used in the correct place with the correct punctuation (Capital and comma);
Proper use of title (Mrs/Mr/Miss/Ms/Dr), and proper capitalization of the name.

One part is missing or incomplete
Needs Improvement

Two parts are missing or incomplete
Try Again

Missing three or more parts
Body (Content)

Email must include all parts outlined in the lesson.
- purpose
- create new paragraphs for new ideas
- clear and to the point (within one page)
- no abbreviations (plz)
- refer to and describe attachments (if necessary)


Body includes at least one complete paragraph. A clear idea is stated in each paragraph and conveyed to the reader. Incorporates all parts outlined in the directions.

Missing one or two parts outlined in the directions.
Needs Improvement

Missing three or four parts outlined in the directions and some of the information presented in the email is unclear to the reader.
Try Again

Missing five or more parts outlined in the directions; the body does not include any paragraphs; the information in the email is unclear or incomplete.
Vocabulary (Word Choice)

No emoticons, slang, etc. (Sometimes no contractions)

- use of please/thank you, "may", "should" (etc.) formal language as appropriate
- use of "softener" words (a little, should, could, perhaps, when vs if...)


Words and phrases are appropriate for creating a formal tone; slang, or emoticons were used. No words need to be changed or added to "soften" a harsh idea.

Most words and phrases are appropriate for creating a formal tone; few (one or two) slang, or emoticons were used, or a few words could be softened (e.g. "when" instead of "if", or "Should" instead of "must")
Needs Improvement

Some words and phrases are appropriate for creating a formal tone; some (three or four) slang, or emoticons were used, or words that can be softened.
Try Again

Words and phrases do not create a formal tone. In fact, words and phrases create an informal and/or rude tone. Abbreviations, slang, and/or emoticons were excessive (five or more)
Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling

Capitalize names of people and places
Put a period (.) at the end of every complete thought. Place only one space between each sentence, and never before a comma or period. Use commas (,) when writing lists.


Spelling, punctuation and grammar are mostly correct or does not affect the clear understanding of the email.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar are somewhat correct (3 major types of errors noted).
Needs Improvement

Several errors with spelling, punctuation, and grammar (4-6 major types of errors).
Try Again

Many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.(Errors >7). Affects clear understanding.

  • formal email, email etiquette, ESL


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