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iRubric: SGFNYSSB - ELA Proficiency rubric

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SGFNYSSB - ELA Proficiency 
Rubric Code: A24A968
Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric SGFSSB - ELA Proficiency
The following rubric is adapted from the Columbia Teacher's College Heinemann Professional Development Series and Lake George High School
  Intermediate High


Intermediate Mid


Intermediate Low



Intermediate High

The writer discussed complex concepts, presenting facts and information in an engaging manner, teaching the reader significant concepts and information. The writer conveyed the sources of the information and analyzed them when relevant.
Intermediate Mid

The writer discussed key concepts, and made it clear why these concepts are important. She provided examples with relevant information, using a variety of text structures ad formatting, as needed, to make concepts and information compelling and accessible.
Intermediate Low

The writer brought together ideas and information about a subject in a text that develops a subtopic and/or an idea. He incorporated a variety of text structures as needed, including argument, explanation, narrative, and procedural passages.

Intermediate High

The writer wrote an engaging
lead that explained the topic’s significance, contextualized it with background information, and mentioned key points of view or issues that would be discussed.
Intermediate Mid

After hooking the reader,
the writer provided context, introduced a focus/main idea, and
oriented readers to the overall structure of the text (compare/contrast, cause and effect, claims and support, classification, etc.).
Intermediate Low

The writer interested the reader in the topic by explaining its significance or providing a compelling fact, statistic, or anecdote. He made it clear what parts of this topic his text would
tackle, and how the ideas and information in the text would unfold.

Intermediate High

The writer used transitional
phrases to show the relationship between parts of the text, including references to prior
sections, and previewing future sections. The writer may have used transitions to show the source of cited information. These transitions might include adapted from, excerpted from, according to, building from, revealed in, suggested by, illustrated by, and demonstrated in.
Intermediate Mid

The writer used transitions to lead the reader across parts of the text and to help the reader note how parts of the text relate back to earlier parts, using phrases such as just as, returning to, as we saw earlier, similarly to, unlike, and yet.
Intermediate Low

The writer used transitions to link concepts with related information.
The transitions help the reader follow from part to part and make it clear when information is an
example of a bigger idea, follows from an earlier point, introduces a
new idea, or suggests a contrast.

Intermediate High

In the conclusion, the writer strengthened implications, suggested action to take, and/or mentioned multiple perspectives or potential challenges.
Intermediate Mid

In her conclusion, the writer suggested implications, built
up the significance of her main points, and/or alluded to potential
Intermediate Low

In his conclusion, the writer reinforced and built on the main point(s) in a way that made the
entire piece a cohesive whole. The conclusion may have restated the
main points, responded to them, or highlighted their significance.

Intermediate High

The writer’s organizational
structure introduced and layered key concepts and information.
The writer layered information to maintain tension, engage the
reader’s interest, and/or build complexity. The writer build the sections upon each other logically, allowing the reader to build knowledge and deeper understandings.
Intermediate Mid

The writer focused on key
concepts within the topic.
The writer organized information and ideas into broader categories
and clarified how sections and ordered and connected. The sections and information built on each other throughout the piece: concepts and examples were introduced in a logical fashion.
Intermediate Low

The writer focused her writing on a subtopic or a particular point or two.
The writer organized her piece into parts and used structures (claims and supports, problem/
solution, sequence, etc.) to organize those parts (and perhaps the whole).
The writer used introductions, topic sentences, transitions, formatting, and graphics, where appropriate, to clarify the structure of the piece and to highlight main points.
Enter Title


Intermediate High

The writer developed key
concepts, giving some context and background. The writer used
examples to clarify, explain, and interest.
The writer analyzed the facts and information, explaining the relevance of cited source material.
The writer included trustworthy and significant sources of information, analyzing and critiquing these sources when relevant.
Intermediate Mid

The writer brought out the parts of the topic that were most significant to his audience and to
his point(s). The writer analyzed the relevance of his information and made sure the information supported the major concepts. The writer incorporated trustworthy and significant sources, and explained if and when a source seemed
Intermediate Low

The writer included varied
kinds of information such as facts, quotations, examples, and definitions. She analyzed or explained the information, showing how the information fits
with her key points or subtopics, including graphics where
appropriate. The writer consistently
incorporated and cited sources.
The writer worked to make her topic compelling as well as understandable. She brought out why it mattered and why the audience should care about it.
Enter Title


Intermediate High

The writer intended to affect the reader in particular ways—to
make the reader think, realize, or feel a particular way—and chose
particular language to do that. In addition to using other literary
devices, the writer may have used allusions. The writer varied the tone to match the different purposes of different sections of the
argument, as well as to develop its overall impact. The writer made choices about formatting, considering the best form to best convey informatio
Intermediate Mid

The writer intended to affect her
reader in particular ways—to make the reader think, realize, or feel a particular way—and she
chose language to do that.
The writer consistently used comparisons, analogies, vivid examples, and/or anecdotes to help readers grasp the meaning of concepts and the significance of
information. The writer varied her tone to match the different purposes of different sections of her piece.
Intermediate Low

The writer used words
purposefully to affect meaning and tone.
The writer chose precise words and used metaphors, anecdotes,
images, or comparisons to explain what he meant.
The writer included domain specific,technical vocabulary, and defined these when appropriate.
The writer used a formal tone, but varied it appropriately to engage
the reader.
Punctuation and sentence structure

Intermediate High

The writer used sentence structure and verb tense purposefully (i.e.,
using fragments to emphasize key points; using present tense to
create immediacy).
The writer used punctuation to emphasize connections, to strengthen tone, to clarify, and to add complexity.
Intermediate Mid

The writer used different sentence structures to achieve different
purposes throughout her piece. The writer used verb tenses that shift when needed (as in when
moving from a citation back to her own writing), deciding between active and passive voice where appropriate.
The writer used internal punctuation effectively, including the use of ellipses to accurately insert excerpts from sources.
Intermediate Low

The writer varied his sentence structure, sometimes using simple
and sometimes using complex sentence structure.
The writer used internal
punctuation appropriately within sentences and when citing sources, including commas, dashes, parentheses, colons, and


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