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iRubric: Drama. Improvisation Rubric

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Drama. Improvisation Rubric 
Rubric Code: A2425B3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Improvisation Rubric
  Exceeds Expectations

3 pts

Meets Expectations

2 pts

Below Expectations

1 pts


Exceeds Expectations

Student successfully uses their character voice throughout the short improvisation.
Meets Expectations

Student was able to use their character voice some of the time and needed reminding to do so.
Below Expectations

Student did not use character voice even when prompted to do so.
Facial Expressions

Exceeds Expectations

Student displayed appropriate facial expressions that allowed viewers to sense emotions throughout short improvisation.
Meets Expectations

Student was able to provide facial expressions to demonstrate emotions with little difficulty throughout short improvisation.
Below Expectations

Student did not provide appropriate facial expressions to demonstrate emotions throughout short improvisation
Body Language/movement

Exceeds Expectations

Student used animal physicality, body language, and/or movement to demonstrate emotions throughout the whole improvisation. Did not turn his/her back to the audience
Meets Expectations

Student used animal physicality, body language, and/or body movement to demonstrate emotions during most of the improvisation, and may have turned his/her back shortly to the audience.
Below Expectations

Student did not use any animal physicality, or body language/movement to demonstrate emotions, their back was almost always turned to the audience.

Exceeds Expectations

Student actively participates with a positive attitude all of the time and takes role seriously without any distractions.
Meets Expectations

Student actively participates, demonstrates a positive attitude and takes his/her role seriously most of the time.
Below Expectations

Student does not want to participate, has a negative attitude,does not take his/her role seriously


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