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Found 11 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 11 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Math Rubric strategies for multiplication       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
2 rubric Map of an Imaginary Island       popup preview  
Create an island using "BSTACK" Map Features You need to name your island Map Key (may use colors or symbols) Create a shelter Create one landform Create a source of fresh water Create a source of where you will get food Draw a compass rose complete with cardinal and sub-cardinal directions Provide written directions to get from a starting point to your food, shelter and water (at least one of the directions must be a sub-cardinal direction) Neatness counts and add color (one direction)

Grade levels:   K-5  
3 rubric Map of an Imaginary Island       popup preview  
Create an island You need to name your island Map Key (may use colors or symbols) Create a shelter Create one landform Create a source of fresh water Create a source of where you will get food Draw a compass rose complete with cardinal and sub-cardinal directions Provide written directions to get from a starting point to your food, shelter and water (at least one of the directions must be a sub-cardinal direction) Neatness counts and add color (one direction)

Grade levels:   K-5  
4 rubric Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing       popup preview  
A descriptive paragraph paints a picture with words. A descriptive paragraph uses spatial order therefore, spatial order transitions must be used.

Grade levels:  
5 rubric Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing       popup preview  
A descriptive paragraph paints a picture with words. A descriptive paragraph uses spatial order therefore, spatial order transitions must be used.

Grade levels:  
6 rubric Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing       popup preview  
A descriptive paragraph paints a picture with words. A descriptive paragraph uses spatial order therefore, spatial order transitions must be used.

Grade levels:  
7 rubric Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing       popup preview  
A descriptive paragraph paints a picture with words. A descriptive paragraph uses spatial order therefore, spatial order transitions must be used.

Grade levels:  
8 rubric Persuasive Paragraph       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
9 rubric FRACTION FLIP BOOKS       popup preview  

Grade levels:   N/A
10 rubric Evaluation of Apple App-"Splash Math."       popup preview  
This app has been designed to help third grade students to develop Math. concepts and to practice skills in isolation and with word problem application.

Grade levels:   K-5  
11 rubric 3D Country Map Creation       popup preview  
Colorado State Standard 1:1: To be able to know how to use maps, commas, globes, and other geographic tools. The students will be constructing a 3-D map for their chosen country. They will draw a detailed plan with pertinent information labeled. Map will include borders, major waterways, key landforms, and major cities. Students will present finished project.

Grade levels:   6-8  

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