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1 rubric Spanish paragraph/ short writing assignment rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
2 rubric el restaurante Skit" Spanish II Project       popup preview  
Students will work in groups (4-6), students will write, practice, and perform a skit in Spanish using the vocabulary learned in class. Can be presented in class or produce a short video.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric "La verdadera Historia Skit" Spanish II Project       popup preview  
Students will work in groups (4-6), students will write, practice, and perform a skit in Spanish using the vocabulary learned in class. Can be presented in class or produce a short video.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Writing Rubric for Spanish Class       popup preview  
Mis Vacaciones

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric -AR/-ER/-IR Verb display       popup preview  
Students will create a display mobile containing a picture of an AR/-ER/-IR verb. They will conjugate their verb in all forms, including the subject pronoun, and then they will write complete sentences in Spanish using three different verbs.

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric -AR/-ER/-IR Verb display       popup preview  
Students will create a display mobile containing a picture of an AR/-ER/-IR verb. They will conjugate their verb in all forms, including the subject pronoun, and then they will write complete sentences in Spanish using three different verbs.

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric Personal Timeline       popup preview  
For this assignment you are to create a timeline of events from your own life. Just like the example done in class, you will create a timeline pointing out moments in your life that are meaningful to you. You will need to present your in two weeks! Below are the requirements for your timeline. Keep in mind; you want to do your best because these posters will be placed on the walls of our classroom for Open House next month for all to see.

Grade levels:   K-5  
13 rubric Writing Rubric for Spanish Class       popup preview  
Mis Vacaciones

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Spanish 3 Preterite and Imperfect       popup preview  
Students will create an individual script about what they did with their family/ friends during a camping trip/ trip to the beach. It must include vocabulary from Unit 1, the preterite, imperfect, & additional vocabulary/ grammar learned in Spanish 1, & 2. The presentation needs to include:Power Point, or Prezi. The length should be enough for a 5 minute live presentation in class. Script rough drafts are due 11/03/14, final draft is due 11/05/14, & the presentation will be due 11/20/14.

Grade levels:   9-12  
15 rubric Spanish Food Project Restaurant Skit       popup preview  
Students will prepare a skit about ordering in a restaurant using the frases and vocabulary from Unidad 4-Capítulo 2.1. Meseros will be High School Students. Each cliente(Our students, YOU) must 1. Order: a. Una bebida b. Un aperitivo c. Un plato principal d. Un postre 2. Each cliente must ask the waiter for at least one thing he or she is missing during the skit (Perdón, me falta…) 3. Each cliente must comment on how the food tastes at least once 4. All actors need to use words like con permiso (if you need to move from the table), por favor (Pass something), gracias, de nada 5. Each person should talk about the same amount—no one person should dominate. 6. You may use no notes whatsoever. 7. You must act it out with enthusiasm—don’t bore us. 8. One cliente must ask the camarero for the check at the end 9. Everybody gives the Euros for the cost of their meal to the person who ask for the check. 10. HAVE FUN!

Grade levels:   6-8  
16 rubric La Niñez       popup preview  
Sra. Moomey (Mullins) Español 3 proyecto de la infancia (antes de los 12 años). Describe your own childhood or the the childhood of an hispanic, historical person, pop-culture icon, sports figure, etc. Write a minimum of 6 sentences & include some of the following; place of birth, hobbies, sports, likes/dislikes, favorite foods, favorite family members, pets, music, favorite movie/game/t.v. shows/cartoons, etc. Include one important childhood event as a short story using both preterite and imperfect tenses. Ideas: the story of an important life lesson, a fun travel experience/vacation, a place you visited, a scar story, a move, new school, etc. Your story should be told using a minimum of 6 sentences. Project must include a minimum of 6 slides in a PowerPoint or Prezi format. You will have one photo/visual per slide. You will present it in less than two minutes and projects must be emailed to me at

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric La Niñez       popup preview  
Sra. Moomey (Mullins) Español 3 proyecto de la infancia (antes de los 12 años). Describe your own childhood or the the childhood of an hispanic, historical person, pop-culture icon, sports figure, etc. Write a minimum of 6 sentences & include some of the following; place of birth, hobbies, sports, likes/dislikes, favorite foods, favorite family members, pets, music, favorite movie/game/t.v. shows/cartoons, etc. Include one important childhood event as a short story using both preterite and imperfect tenses. Ideas: the story of an important life lesson, a fun travel experience/vacation, a place you visited, a scar story, a move, new school, etc. Your story should be told using a minimum of 6 sentences. Project must include a minimum of 6 slides in a PowerPoint or Prezi format. You will have one photo/visual per slide. You will present it in less than two minutes and projects must be emailed to me at

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric La Niñez       popup preview  
Sra. Moomey (Mullins) Español 3 proyecto de la infancia (antes de los 12 años). Describe your own childhood or the the childhood of an hispanic, historical person, pop-culture icon, sports figure, etc. Write a minimum of 6 sentences & include some of the following; place of birth, hobbies, sports, likes/dislikes, favorite foods, favorite family members, pets, music, favorite movie/game/t.v. shows/cartoons, etc. Include one important childhood event as a short story using both preterite and imperfect tenses. Ideas: the story of an important life lesson, a fun travel experience/vacation, a place you visited, a scar story, a move, new school, etc. Your story should be told using a minimum of 6 sentences. Project must include a minimum of 6 slides in a PowerPoint or Prezi format. You will have one photo/visual per slide. You will present it in less than two minutes and projects must be emailed to me at

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Nutrition Assessment       popup preview  
Students will adopt personal food plans, based on nutritional needs and personal goals, to improve or maintain their eating practices. 1. Use the My Pyramid Plan framework to find personal nutrition goals. 2. Complete a 3 day meal plan. Use the My Pyramid Plan guide to ensure that your plan meets all nutrition requirements. 3. Explain and reflect how your meal plans will help you to achieve your nutrition goals. (Minimum 5 paragraphs) Please hand in all three parts to this assignment.

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Spanish 3 Preterite and Imperfect       popup preview  
Students will create an individual script about what they did with their family/ friends during a camping trip/ trip to the beach. It must include vocabulary from Unit 1, the preterite, imperfect, & additional vocabulary/ grammar learned in Spanish 1, & 2. The presentation needs to include:Power Point, or Prezi. The length should be enough for a 5 minute live presentation in class. Script rough drafts are due 11/03/14, final draft is due 11/05/14, & the presentation will be due 11/20/14.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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