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Found 6 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 6 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Revolutionary War Newscast       popup preview  
Students will write and produce a newscast pertaining to the events leading up to or actual events from the Revolutionary War.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
2 rubric Who's To Blame Editorial       popup preview  
Students write a letter to the editor of the Boston Gazette to persuade others to agree with them concerning the issue of who was to blame for the Boston Massacre.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Political Cartoon       popup preview  
Political cartoon to represent different perspectives on events during the Washington and Adams administrations. Students will be graded on Images, neatness, spelling/grammar, presentation, listening and speaking skills.

Grade levels:   6-8  
4 rubric You Be The Teacher       popup preview  
Rubric to evaluate student lessons

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Battles of the Civil War Group Project       popup preview  
In groups, students will research pivotal battles of the Civil War and create a visual presentation using Keynote, iMovie, or Prezi to share their research with the class.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
6 rubric LETTER TO THE EDITOR       popup preview  
Manifest Destiny

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  

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