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Found 17 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 17 )  
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1 rubric Professionalism Expectation       popup preview  
The Five Keys to Being a Professional. Character, Attitude, Excellence, Competency, and Conduct By building these positive keys in a student they will be ready to enter the career world when they have completed the course of study. To insure students are ready to face todays challenging work force Professionalism is a vital part of their training. Student must be: Present to receive their daily points.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
2 rubric Art Assessment for Studio in Art       popup preview  
Rubric to guide assessment in Studio Art projects

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
3 rubric Art Assessment for Studio in Art       popup preview  
Rubric to guide assessment in Studio Art projects

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
4 rubric Art Assessment for Studio in Art       popup preview  
Rubric to guide assessment in Studio Art projects

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
5 rubric Perspective Drawing       popup preview  
Use the 6 perspective techniques (value & contrast converging lines, detail, overlapping, placement, size) to create perspective drawing of a hallway of the interior of the high school using graphite and ebony pencil on white 11 x 18 inch drawing paper.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
6 rubric Unit 1: Perspective Workbook and Blog       popup preview  
Student's worked through the class text and followed the steps with the teacher throughout this unit. Students were to demonstrate their understanding of one point perspective and two point perspective. They were to demonstrate their understanding of using one vanishing point, two vanishing points, the horizon line, and know when to use perpendicular lines where appropriate. Student were also given a whole class period and an opportunity to take artwork home to bring it to the highest level of craftsmanship. Students were also asked to keep a daily blog and they were sent images throughout the stages of their artwork. They were asked to comment on what they learned that day and share image on their blog posts

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Corner of the Room ~ Two Point Perspective       popup preview  
Draw the corner of the room using a horizon line and two vanishing points. Use graphite on an 18" x 24" sheet of drawing paper.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
8 rubric Gesture Drawing with Oil pastels       popup preview  
Students create gesture drawings on one sheet of paper for an hour and then apply oil pastels to create a final abstract work of art.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
9 rubric Alternative Self Portrait       popup preview  
Students create a drawing for which they have used the method of observation, sighting and measuring to establish accurate proportions. They are encouraged to be creative and morph their features with something other than themselves. i.e. an animal

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
10 rubric Scaling & Proportions Drawing       popup preview  
Students create a line drawing of a subject for which thay have used the method of sighting and measuring to establish accurate proportions.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
11 rubric Sighting and Measuring Line Drawing       popup preview  
Students create a line drawing of a subject for which thay have used the method of sighting and measuring to establish accurate proportions.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
12 rubric Figure Drawing/ Human Proportion       popup preview  
Students are to draw a figure from observation and place the figure in the composition more than once and play with scale and proportion.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
13 rubric Portrait features       popup preview  
Students create sketches of the eye, nose, mouth for which they have used the method of observation, sighting and measuring to establish accurate proportions.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
14 rubric Figure Drawing/ Human Proportion       popup preview  
Students are to draw a figure from observation.

Grade levels:  
15 rubric Fine Art: Oil Painting       popup preview  
Students need to be able to demonstrate that they can create original works of art using the techniques and processes relevant to their chosen medium.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
16 rubric Drawing III       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
17 rubric Charcoal Hand Drawing       popup preview  
Charcoal Hand Drawing

Grade levels:   9-12  

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