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1 rubric Presentación del Pasado / Presente / Futuro       popup preview  
Students will present information about the evolution of an invention or idea.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Fin de Semana       popup preview  
You and some friends are getting together to try to make weekend plans. Use typical greetings when first getting together. Have a conversation to try to decide what to do to have a little fun. Each person should make a suggestion and the other students need to tell if they like or dislike the idea. Be sure to use the recent vocabulary lists and the GUSTA and IR constructions.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Famous People/Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and prepare an oral report. You will present the information you learned about this person to the class and include a visual aids , poster, brochure, video, etc. You will be allowed to have limited notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric ¡Visite a Mi País!       popup preview  
You are a travel agent that makes money by how many people sign up to go to your country. You are to make a persuasive presentation in Spanish about why someone would want to visit your country of choice. Include the following: total trip cost (research flights and hotels with travel date of September 1 departure), climate, currency, travel sites of interest, specialties of the country (food, leisure activities, sports, products).

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Mandatos y Quehaceres       popup preview  
In groups of 2 or 3 develop a skit that uses informal affirmative commands and chores. The scene may be between a parent and a child or it may be between siblings.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Clases y Profesores       popup preview  
You and a friend (or two) are at a café in Spain where you are listening to a Spanish guitarist. You’re enjoying your tapas and chat about your courses and teachers. Tell which courses you like best and which ones are the hardest. Tell why you like them or think they are difficult. Also, discuss the teachers you have, explaining why they are a good or bad teacher. Be sure to include an opening that would be typical in Spain, and some type of closure.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric La Celestina Project       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used with a RAFT that is for the Fernando De Rojas story La Celestina.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Proyecto de Vocabulario       popup preview  
Debe hacer un proyecto que usa el vocabulario del circo, de la finca, del zoológico, o / y del parque de atracciones.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Semester Presentation for Spanish IV       popup preview  
Rubric for Oral Semester Project

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
10 rubric Doctor Office Skit       popup preview  
This rubric is to grade Spanish 2 students on body parts and the use of the verbs that work like the verb "gustar".

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric El Proyecto de Mi País       popup preview  
As a potential representative of the country you and your partner (if you have one) chose, the Secretary of Tourism (teacher) has given you the task of creating a TRAVEL BOARD for the promotion of tourism. The Secretary of Tourism also provided you with a list of questions and tasks that must be on the TRAVEL BOARD. If approved, the Secretary of Tourism will allow you to present your TRAVEL BOARD at the annual INTERNATIONAL EVENT as your country’s representative. In order to prepare, you will research from the internet, library books and magazines to learn more about the country’s culture, climate, currency, religion, foods, housing, famous landmarks, etc. by finding the answers to the questions and information requests given to you by the Secretary before creating the TRAVEL BOARD. Upon completion, you will present your TRAVEL BOARD in front of a panel of potential tourists (classmates) and the Secretary of Tourism (teacher).

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
12 rubric Doctor's Office Skit       popup preview  
This rubriic designed to show comprehension of the present subjunctive mood and body part vocabulary. The skit takes place in a doctor's office or a hospital emergency room. Students should work in groups no larger than 3 people. Each student must have a minimum of 5 complete lines. Students should bring props so the audience can clearly understand the roles they are portraying. Students are being graded both individually and as a group.

Grade levels:   9-12  
13 rubric La Gitanilla Project       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used with a RAFT that is for the Cervantes story La Gitanilla.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Proyecto del Pasado / Presente / Futuro       popup preview  
Students will create a project that shows the evolution of an invention or idea.

Grade levels:   9-12  
15 rubric Proyecto del Pasado / Presente / Futuro       popup preview  
Students will create a presentation about the evolution of an invention using some type of technology or media tool.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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