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1 rubric Oral Presentation- Nonfiction Book Report       popup preview  
Students will give a short oral presentation to the class on their nonfiction book. They will give the title of the book, author, and at least 5 or more interesting facts they learned from the book in a logical, sequential manner. Following their presentation they will answer two questions to clarify listeners' questions. As a listener themselves, they will not distract others or cause any disturbance while a peer is presenting. If they ask a question, it will be related to the information presented, not a general question.

Grade levels:   K-5  
2 rubric Oral Presentation- Nonfiction Book Report       popup preview  
Students will give a short oral presentation to the class on their nonfiction book. They will give the title of the book, author, and at least 5 or more interesting facts they learned from the book in a logical, sequential manner. Following their presentation they will answer two questions to clarify listeners' questions. As a listener themselves, they will not distract others or cause any disturbance while a peer is presenting. If they ask a question, it will be related to the information presented, not a general question.

Grade levels:   K-5  
3 rubric Scoring Final Exam Essays       popup preview  
ICR MEC-180-H1 Engineering Materials - Applies to Student Learning Outcome 10 - Score essay responses to capstone comprehensive examination. Rules: If appropriate to the task, all essay parts of the question will be scored in all four criteria. Accuracy, reasoning and problem solving will be summed over the number of essay question parts. If a criterion is not applicable (e.g. problem solving,) it will not be scored on that criterion and NA will be entered. Students must achieve ZxYx2 to pass the essay parts of the question, where Z is the number of essay parts in a question and Y is the number of applicable criteria and 2 is a proficient score. Communication will be considered separately. If a student is not proficient in communication on 3 of the 4 questions, the student may not pass the exam. Depending on the task, not all elements in each level of the criteria may be addressed.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
4 rubric Question and Answer Skills       popup preview  
Generalized rubric to cover a variety of note-taking formats

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
5 rubric Slope in your daily life.       popup preview  
How would you use finding the slope of a line in your every day life? Reflect on finding the slope of a beam activity. You can apply this to anything in your everyday life. Examples would be Skateboarding, Skiing, Hiking and any other activities you can relate it to. Use your imagination and create a visual aid describing how you related finding slope to and activity in you daily life. Create a vocabulary book for your key terms. Students will create a visual aid which consists of at least one comparison or relation of how finding a slope can relate to our daily activities. Students will create a vocabulary book of the chapter key terms. Student will include definition, picture of the term and an example. Students will briefly present their visual aids to the class with detail of the activity and its comparison to the content.

Grade levels:  
6 rubric CDFS 4790: Content Presentation       popup preview  
Group presentation on an assigned chapter from the text along with added information from their project. Presentations should be no longer than 12-15 minutes and all group members shoudl participate in presenting the requeset informatoin.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
7 rubric Basic Math       popup preview  
This course encompasses: Number Operations, Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis, Statistics, Probability and Algebra. Students will meet Alaska State Content Standards of Content and Performance Standards for Alaska Students (4th Edition, revised March 2006) Mathematics A, B, C, D and E pages 13&14.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric General Math       popup preview  
This course encompasses: Number Operations, Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis, Statistics, Probability and Algebra. Students will meet Alaska State Content Standards of Content and Performance Standards for Alaska Students (4th Edition, revised March 2006) Mathematics A, B, C, D and E pages 13&14.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Math Workbook Evaluation       popup preview  
Rubric tool to assess students workbook work quality and their content understanding.

Grade levels:   K-5  
10 rubric Math Test Taking Rubric       popup preview  
Student will follow math conventions in order to correctly complete math test and show mastery of skills taught.

Grade levels:   N/A
11 rubric Homework Completion Rubric       popup preview  
Students will know homework expectations which would include completeness, accuracy, requirements, legibility and time management.

Grade levels:  
12 rubric Problem Solving VALUE Rubric       popup preview  
Problem solving is the process of designing, evaluating and implementing a strategy to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal. This rubric distills the common elements of most problem-solving contexts and is designed to function across all disciplines. It is broad-based enough to allow for individual differences among learners, yet is concise and descriptive in its scope to determine how well students have maximized their respective abilities to practice thinking through problems in order to reach solutions. This rubric is designed to measure the quality of a process, rather than the quality of an end-product. As a result, work samples or collections of work will need to include some evidence of the individual’s thinking about a problem-solving task (e.g., reflections on the process from problem to proposed solution; steps in a problem-based learning assignment; record of think-aloud protocol while solving a problem). Courtesy of AAC&U

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
13 rubric Construction Class-Project       popup preview  
Rubric use to assessment student process and performance completing a construction project or task.

Grade levels:   6-8  
14 rubric Casey @ the Bat       popup preview  
This rubric assesses the student's comprehension of statistics comparison, spreadsheet analysis, ability to generate graphs, and word processing an editorial, which incorporates a graph.

Grade levels:   6-8  
15 rubric Construction Class-Project       popup preview  
Rubric use to assessment student process and performance completing a construction project or task.

Grade levels:   6-8  
16 rubric Math Portfolio       popup preview  
Rubric for Portfolio of Weekly Work Assignments

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric 9th Grade Algebra Portfolio Rubric       popup preview  
Algebra Portfolio Rubric

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Math Portfolio Rubric       popup preview  
Due March 10, 2011 Must contain Beginning of Course Reflection, Math Autobiography, End of Course Reflection, Portfolio Self-Evaluation, Three problems of performance with reflections, and three or more extensions with reflections.

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Problem Solving VALUE Rubric       popup preview  
Problem solving is the process of designing, evaluating and implementing a strategy to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal. This rubric distills the common elements of most problem-solving contexts and is designed to function across all disciplines. It is broad-based enough to allow for individual differences among learners, yet is concise and descriptive in its scope to determine how well students have maximized their respective abilities to practice thinking through problems in order to reach solutions. This rubric is designed to measure the quality of a process, rather than the quality of an end-product. As a result, work samples or collections of work will need to include some evidence of the individual’s thinking about a problem-solving task (e.g., reflections on the process from problem to proposed solution; steps in a problem-based learning assignment; record of think-aloud protocol while solving a problem). Courtesy of AAC&U

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
20 rubric Manipulating Equations       popup preview  
Students understand what an equation is and how to manipulate an equation by adding equals and multiplying equals by the same number

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12   Undergrad  

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