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Found 9 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 9 )  
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1 rubric Movie Trailer Project       popup preview  
Use movie making techniques to recreate a trailer of your favorite movie using adjectives in a creative way. The movie has to be approved first. This will count as a test grade. Movies need to be burned on a disc, on a memory stick, or emailed. Technical difficulties will not be an excuse, so do not wait until the last minute. Project due date is

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
2 rubric Science Project       popup preview  
Students are to design an experiment which can be conducted in the classroom. Projects must include a problem, hypothesis, research, step by step experiment instructions and a method to display data. Students state their conclusion explaining if the experiment supported their hypothesis. Students also discuss what this experiment might lead them to research next.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Starting A Business Marketing Your Business       popup preview  
Each student is going to start up their own business, construct a model of the business, and design a business card, brochure, and newspaper ad.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Magazine Project       popup preview  
Magazine project presentation. Different types of magazines.

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Weird Festivals       popup preview  
The students will discover different weird festivals and make a presentation of it.

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Classical Music iMovie       popup preview  
Students will create and present a topic from the Classical Music Period to the class using iMovie as their medium. The movie will include audio examples, engage the class, and teach a comprehensive lesson on the topic. iMovies will be submitted in advance of presentation in class.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Pool Party Budget       popup preview  
The students will group together and be able to plan their pool party together. Make a list from local store circulars through their websites. Students will be given a budget of $300.00 and will need to stay within the budget. The students will use planning to take into consideration of needs for the party and wants for the party.

Grade levels:   K-5  
8 rubric Ecosystem Project       popup preview  
Students are to model their ecosystem. The model should include appropriate living and non-living organisms present. The paper should include an appropriate description of their ecosystem including the climate, what living and non-living organisms are present, how the living organisms meet their needs for survival, and example of a food chain or web that exists in this environment, what types of changes could take place, what those changes could do to the populations within that ecosystem, and what microbes might be present that may drastically effect the ecosystem.Students will need to state the species scientific name. Students will also have to discribe the interconnected relationships of the species of their choice. Key Points: that energy driving the ecosystem comes from the sun the web of life is contunually dying and feeding other sections of the ecosystem that diversity assures resilience

Grade levels:  
9 rubric Talk Show Rubric       popup preview  
Create your own host and interview characters from the book you read.

Grade levels:   6-8  

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