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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Proyecto final       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12   Undergrad  
2 rubric En la Ciudad: Bilbao       popup preview  
Create a document of what I should do in Bilbao on Saturday and Sunday

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
3 rubric Spanish I Dialogo       popup preview  
A Spanish dialog between two or more characters using the vocabulary from Chapter 1.

Grade levels:  
4 rubric Proyecto final: video informativo       popup preview  
Student(s) will produce a video. The video exposes a current event in a Latin American country and the student proposes possible solutions.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Accent practice       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Proyecto de comparaciones artísticas       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Mi Hotel       popup preview  
Using the format for a brochure in the textbook and all elements discussed on pp. 180-182. Have information about your hotel: name, location, phone number, price of the room, amenities, places of interest, etc.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Rúbrica de proyecto cultural       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Formal oral presentation rubric       popup preview  
The students will put together a PPP, Prezi or similar fashion to accompany their oral presentation. Three to five slides or images maximum. The presentation will contain the pre-service teachers' area of interest, the main reasons for the exploration, instruments, and procedure(s) for collecting and analyzing the information. The oral presentation must present the main points that align with their outline.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
10 rubric Rúbrica de presentación: Huracán       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  

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