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1 rubric Medication administration responsibilities       popup preview  
Medication administration plays an essential role in professional nursing. This paper should discuss the responsibilities of medication administration, indicate safety processes used to prevent medication errors, understand legal aspects of nursing and scope of practice concerning medication administration, and identify distractors while dispensing medication and how to avoid them.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
2 rubric SMART Goal       popup preview  
The students are writing a S.M.A.R.T goal. Clearly define the goal, or objective by explaining how each part of the statement is S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric NSG 616: Assessment and Evaluation of Nursing Education       popup preview  
Medication administration plays an essential role in professional nursing. This paper should discuss the responsibilities of medication administration, indicate safety processes used to prevent medication errors, understand legal aspects of nursing and scope of practice concerning medication administration, and identify distractors while dispensing medication and how to avoid them.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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