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Found 5 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 5 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Black Iron Pipe Thread Cutting       popup preview  
The student will cut a piece of black iron gas pipe to 7 ', properly read the pipe and properly thread both ends. Student will adhere to industry standards for safe work practice throughout the project.

Grade levels:  
2 rubric Check the thermostats for proper operation       popup preview  
The student will wire & check 1,3,4 thermostats for proper operation using the wall mounted test board & volt meter. Operations to check are 1- Heating. 2- Air Conditioning. 3- Manual fan. Students will identify any problems with each of the thermostats. Thermostat number 2 Is optional & will be considered extra credit if. completed. Student will adhere to industry standards for safe work practice throughout the project.

Grade levels:  
3 rubric CTE JOB INTERVIEW       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
4 rubric Spring AC service.       popup preview  
Student will service A split system air conditioning System. which will include the Thermostat, evaporator blower & condenser.

Grade levels:  
5 rubric Line Set / Water / Drain Line - Solder / Braze / Compression       popup preview  
The student will create a tubing assembly. Described in the attached document. Student will adhere to industry standards for safe work practice throughout the project.

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