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rubrics by CJTommasetti
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Found 4 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 4 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Social Security Disability       popup preview  

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
2 rubric InnerBody Field Trip       popup preview  

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
3 rubric Customer Service Skills       popup preview  
Call center customer service representatives (and other claims representatives) should be able to recall the LAST (Listen, Acknowledge/Apologize, Solve, and Thank) customer service method and apply it to difficult customer call simulation scenarios to aid in creating a positive customer experience.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
4 rubric Evaluating Medical Records       popup preview  
Using online resources, determine if treatment plans, reported symptoms, and functional restrictions and/or limitations are consistent with the diagnosed medical condition.

Grade levels:   Grad  

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