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1 rubric Arabic Countries and Culture Presentation       popup preview  
Students research about different aspects of the Arab culture. 1-Location 2-Population 3-Religions 4-Family (Values and believes) 5- Clothes 6-Food 7-Music( famous artist) 8-Famous places 9-Misconceptions and stereotypes about Arabs

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
2 rubric A Profile of a Famous Arab American       popup preview  
In this activity students research the life of an Arab American who has excelled in his or her career field and present a profile of that person to the class. Situation- Imagine you have just been hired as a journalist for a national magazine. Your first assignment is to write a profile of a well known Arab American.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric A Profile of a Famous Arab American       popup preview  
In this activity students research the life of an Arab American who has excelled in his or her career field and present a profile of that person to the class. Situation- Imagine you have just been hired as a journalist for a national magazine. Your first assignment is to write a profile of a well known Arab American.

Grade levels:   K-5  
4 rubric Inmigración Final Oral Presenation       popup preview  
Students will talk for 2-3 minutes about how they came to US as undocumented immigrant 10 years ago. They will tell why they came, advantages and disadvantages of life in US, what happened to them on their trip over and justify why they are still in the US.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Presentation Powerpoint of Places in a city       popup preview  
Students in pairs create a powerpoint presentation of a neighborhood in Algeria .

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
6 rubric Arabic Restaurant Menu       popup preview  
You will design a Arabic menu for a new restaurant with Arabic foods. You must create the menu in English and Arabic. The menu should include at least three complete dishes for each category on your menu, and a list of three or more beverages and two or more desserts. The menu should be visually pleasing with with easily identifiable headings/categories, and graphics/color photos.

Grade levels:   K-5  
7 rubric Arabic Rubric "Arab Culture"       popup preview  
Students research about different aspects of the Arab culture. 1-Location 2-Population 3-Religions 4-Family (Values and believes) 5- Clothes 6-Food 7-Music( famous artist) 8-Famous places 9-Misconceptions and stereotypes about Arabs

Grade levels:   K-5  
8 rubric Shopping in an Arabic country, Skits       popup preview  
Students will perform a skit to demonstrate mastery of vocabulary related to shopping. Students are working in pair of Students must prepare a brief skit (3 minutes to 5 minutes) that include phrases and expressions related to greetings and shopping. Each group will have 45 minutes to write their skits and should be prepared to act out their skits. While the skits are being performed, class members are to observe and listen.

Grade levels:   Grad  
9 rubric Kinder Listening/Speaking Rubric       popup preview  
For evaluation of listening/speaking effort and effectiveness.

Grade levels:   K-5  
10 rubric Final Exam Speaking Rubric       popup preview  
Novice mid speaks in present tense only, memorized phrases, answers and asks simple questions. Novice high Speaks in present, simple future, and past tenses. Can manipulate language to express a thought. Answer and ask questions in present and past tenses.

Grade levels:  
11 rubric 3 Types of Government Graphic Organizer       popup preview  
It is important that we understand the 3 types of government we have in America (Federal, State, and Local). To ensure that you all understand the 3 types and the branches and positions of each, we are going to complete a graphic organizer. Use what you have learned about the different types to create an analogy of our different governments. Make sure that you have each of these things represented, citizens, constitution, federal, state and local branches, and positions in each branch.

Grade levels:   6-8  

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