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1 rubric Spanish Skit: Mi Propio Auto       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
2 rubric Spanish Driving Video 4H       popup preview  
Students will create a movie using the driving vocabulary from class as well as informal commands.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Famous People with Spanish Heritage       popup preview  
Choose a Famous person who was either born in a Spanish-speaking country or had parents who were born in a Spanish-speaking country. Research the person and write a 1 page (single spaced) or 2.5 (double-spaced) report on your findings along with a separate page that tells me where you found all information. (at least 3 sources and no more than 2 from the internet) You will present the major information you learned about this person to the class and include at least 2 visual aids. You will not be allowed to have notes during oral presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Spanish Restaurant Menu       popup preview  
You are creating a menu for restaurant in a Spanish speaking country. You must give your restaurant a name (in Spanish) and create the menu entirely in Spanish. You must use the vocabulary from Chapter 4 as well as past vocabulary. You must also list the ingredients in your two of your dish in English and Spanish as well as a dialog in Spanish.

Grade levels:  
5 rubric Group Skit Presentation Rubric-Introductions       popup preview  
This rubric should consider the performance of the group as a whole, as well as individual contributions. Create a skit in a Group of 4 . You should a)greet in Spanish b)ask names in Spanish c)perform introductions in Spanish d) Ask ONE of the who, what, when, where, why or how questions, in Spanish. e) Ask phone number f)mentions origin Skit should last 2 minutes.

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Pop Song Assignment - Grade 8       popup preview  
1) Music Video: make a music video of the song. Include Dancing or movement, acting and choose or create sets. Be sure to have at least one student sing along to the song. 2) Design a CD cover for this song, or for another song that is teacher approved. 3) Interview with the Star: Use the internet to find out information about Avril Lavigne. Do a mock radio or MTV interview with Avril. 4) St. Sebastian Idol: Perform the song. Sing the song alone or with a group.

Grade levels:   6-8  
7 rubric Culture Day: Poem/Song/Dance       popup preview  
The student will choose a song/dance or poem to research for this class presentation where he/she must speak about the artist and recite/sing/perform the work without reading. The student will create an illustration/advertisement (drawing , collage) for the work to support his/her presentation. The presented work will be explained to the class using the Spanish illustration and gestures.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Ch 16 Mini Drama       popup preview  
Rubric for skit presentations in Humanities

Grade levels:   6-8  
9 rubric Radio Drama Peformance Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric Radio Drama Peformance Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric Spanish video or in class presentation       popup preview  
Students will create a video/in class drama about the Quinceañera all in Spanish.

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric Lecon 9 role play - L'Omelette       popup preview  
After creating a short role play, student groups will then perform their role play for classmates. Each group member must have 5 speaking parts. Your script should reflect vocabulary, grammar and cultural concepts from Lecon 9.

Grade levels:   9-12  
13 rubric Sportscast       popup preview  
Working in groups of 3, create a sportscast or a sports show discussing baseball, basketball and tennis.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric YOU TEACH THE LESSON       popup preview  
Your job is to create a lesson that will be presented to the class. Along with the lesson, you will be in charge of creating review notes of the chapter, classwork, and an assessment. You need to include something visual (like a video of yourself teaching), something to practice with (a game, worksheets, a song) and an evaluation (an opportunity, assessment, game)

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
15 rubric 8th Grade Gifted Language Arts Film Project       popup preview  
Students are to create a film based on a short story they have written. The film may be footage, photo montage, or a combination of the two. The narration of the film must consist of the reading of the short story. Sound effects may be added. The footage/photos must relate to the text of the story.

Grade levels:   6-8  
16 rubric Spanish Restaurant Menu       popup preview  
You will design a Spanish menu for a new restaurant with Spanish foods. You must give your restaurant a name (in Spanish) and create the menu entirely in Spanish. The menu should include at least three complete meals for each category on your menu, and a list of three or more beverages and three or more desserts. The menu should be visually pleasing with with easily identifiable headings/categories, and graphics/color photos. It must be typed in Spanish.

Grade levels:   6-8  
17 rubric Spanish 3 Preterite and Imperfect       popup preview  
Students will create an individual script about what they did with their family/ friends during a camping trip/ trip to the beach. It must include vocabulary from Unit 1, the preterite, imperfect, & additional vocabulary/ grammar learned in Spanish 1, & 2. The presentation needs to include:Power Point, or Prezi. The length should be enough for a 5 minute live presentation in class. Script rough drafts are due 11/03/14, final draft is due 11/05/14, & the presentation will be due 11/20/14.

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Spanish Children's Book Project       popup preview  
This project is intended for Spanish 3. You are to create a book for children in which you use vocabulary associated with camping/outdoor life. The book should include present and past tense conjugations and demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary learning in Spanish I and II.

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Cooking Show Rubric       popup preview  
You have been selected to compete in a cooking competition on a top Spanish language TV station. As part of the competition, you will draw 3 ingredients at random. All 3 of these ingredients must be used in your dish. You will be presenting this by pretending to cook in front of the class.

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Spanish Recipe and Cooking Video       popup preview  
Students will create a video of a cooking demonstration using a recipe of a dish from a Spanish speaking country. They will incorporate SPANISH formal commands per notes.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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