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1 rubric Unit Rate Product Comparison Project 7th grade Pre-AP       popup preview  
Compare 4 items of different sizes of the same product such milk, can of beans, juice, lbs of meat, etc. by calculating the unit rate. Write an explanation about your comparison as Mr. Riley has explained. Neatly present a picture of your items, calculations of your unit rate and an explanation of which is the better buy on a standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. Research items of different brands online from the following stores: HEB, Walmart, Krogers. Due: November 2

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Algebra 1 8th Family of Graphs Lab: Transformations       popup preview  
Using graphing software, students explore the transformations of quadratic functions: Students will manipulate the parent graph f(x)= x2 into translations, dilations, and reflections: Use the example in the book or chose their own example. On a separate sheet of paper and a poster, write and graph the parent form of the quadratic and write an equation of an assigned transformations of the parent graph and explain what happens to each graph based on the equation.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric 5th Math Data Graphing Project       popup preview  
Students will take a survey using questions to gather, record, and graph data using a frequency table and a bar graph. Students are required to poll at least 30 people for each survey question, using a question that has at least 5 possible answer choices; must draw frequency table and bar graph on a separate sheet of paper and on a poster.

Grade levels:   K-5  
4 rubric Box-and-Whisker Plot: Student Heights 6th gr       popup preview  
Students will record the height (in inches) of 2 separate groups (5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th) of 25 student, create and label two box and whisker plot diagrams, Analyze data and draw conclusions using box-and-whisker plots, create a poster of box plot data, including the relationship between the two variables.

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Box-and-Whisker Plot: Student Heights       popup preview  
Students will record the height (in inches) of 2 separate groups of 25 students. 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th) of 25 student, create and label two box and whisker plot diagrams (separate sheet), Analyze data and draw conclusions using box-and-whisker plots, create a poster of box plot data, including the relationship between the two variables.

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Math Data Graphing Project       popup preview  
Students will develop their own questions to gather, record, and graph data using a frequency table, a bar graph, and a circle graph. Students are required to poll at least 30 people, using a question that has at least 5 possible answer choices.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
7 rubric Quadratic Formula Project       popup preview  
The students must create their own quadratic equation where they will use the quadratic formula to identify the types of roots, discriminant value and the roots by using one of the following methods to solve the quadratic equation: Completing the square, quadratic formula, Factoring, graphing ; Poster on the discriminant showing all the solutions p. 583 - 586; Standard A.8(A)

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Volume of Rectangular Prism       popup preview  
Make a poster describing volume, using words or pictures. Display the formula for finding volume of rectangular prisms. Show real world examples of rectangular prisms and how one might use volume with them. (For example a swimming pool or a fish tank) Create your own word problem for the class to solve. Present your project to the class.

Grade levels:   6-8  

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