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1 rubric Create your own political party!       popup preview  
1. Title the poster board with the name of your party. Research and analyze the viewpoints of the Republican and Democratic parties. Compare these views to other American political parties, such as the Tea Party movement. Create a new political party which reflects your own viewpoints and platform. Develop a political symbol and a platform of the 5 most important positions you wish to promote (i.e., the party’s platform). Develop a poster that includes the new political symbol and the platform.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
2 rubric Write/Perform a Rap Song       popup preview  
The students will write a rap based on a topic of their choosing. Their rap will include the common elements of rap songs as determined in class. They must also perform their rap for the class.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Shopping in an Arabic country, Skits       popup preview  
Students will perform a skit to demonstrate mastery of vocabulary related to shopping. Students are working in pair of Students must prepare a brief skit (3 minutes to 5 minutes) that include phrases and expressions related to greetings and shopping. Each group will have 45 minutes to write their skits and should be prepared to act out their skits. While the skits are being performed, class members are to observe and listen.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
4 rubric 8th Grade Winter Break Project       popup preview  
Research and analyze the viewpoints of the Republican and Democratic parties. Compare these views to other American political parties, such as the Tea Party movement. Create a new political party which reflects your own viewpoints and platform. Develop a political symbol and a platform of the 5 most important positions you wish to promote (i.e., the party’s platform). Develop a poster that includes the new political symbol and the platform.

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Front Page News Assignment       popup preview  
Students are to design and produce the front page of their own newspaper. Each student will produce an A3 size newspaper front page. Students will incorporate the major elements into their version of what a ewspaper should be, and the major components of a front page.

Grade levels:   N/A

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